Garden on the window in kindergarten. Do-it-yourself decoration

One of the interesting options that will help not only to diversify ordinary everyday life in the garden, but also to educate in the child such qualities as attentiveness, care can be a garden on the window in the kindergarten, do-it-yourself decoration. It will help kids to do various interesting things on their own, become part of the creation of a new plant life, learn new knowledge, develop fine motor skills and discipline. So, the pros can be listed for a long time, let's get down to business.

Garden on the window. Do-it-yourself decoration

To decorate the windows in an ordinary kindergarten and interest the whole group of kids for a long time, you can use this solution. It is worth noting that the garden on the window must be created, taking into account age possibilities. You need to start at the age of at least 3.5 years. Since very young children still understand little and can pull soil, seeds and other attributes into their mouths.

So, in order to create a mini-garden on the window, you must consider what exactly the children in the group can do. So, if you have a category from 4 to 5 years, then most of the work will fall on your shoulders, but all this hassle is pleasant. You will need:

  • measure the window sill to find suitable containers;
  • prepare paints, a lot of brushes for children, soil, seeds (children from the older group can be asked to bring them from home), watering cans;
  • come up with a plan.

After everything is ready, you can start creating a small garden. Children aged 4-5 can help by decorating pots, placing seeds in the ground, and watering seedlings from watering cans.


Do not use small seeds such as dill for planting with children. Since it is not easy for small hands to handle them. It is best to use onions, legumes. But at the same time, you need to be extremely careful so that the child does not pull beans and peas into his mouth.

You can plant small seeds yourself or with children who already go to the preparatory group. They will be easier to deal with.

Important point!

The use of fertilizers in kindergarten is prohibited. Therefore, it is best to purchase ready-made soil. But here it is also very important that it does not get into the child's mouth or eyes.

After the seeds are planted, the teacher should explain to the children that they are now responsible for the care. You can make a schedule for watering, loosening. Also, so that the pots or boxes do not stand dull, the garden can and even needs to be decorated beautifully and interestingly.

How to arrange a garden on the window

There is no limit to creativity here. You can decorate the pots with rainbow colors, decorate them with ribbons, make little stuffed animals with the children, in parallel, talking about how harmful birds dream of stealing your little sprouts. Simple and budget options are to make paper figures from colored paper, crafts from cones, acorns, leaves. They will very organically merge into a small garden, creating a cozy natural corner.

If funds allow or there is an opportunity to ask the children to bring various figures from home, then this will also be an excellent solution. Perhaps someone has small gnomes, unusual pots and so on. The garden and garden store also sells many different accessories. You can buy a decorative fence and arrange a whole yard on the window.

You can use special figurines, artificial flowers and creepers for decoration.

The fence can be made with your own hands from branches, planks, twigs.

When the phrase “kindergarten” sounds, each person immediately pops up his own memories associated with educators, kindergarten friends, and holidays. And indeed, as soon as a child begins attending a preschool educational institution, his life changes dramatically. And how successful and inquisitive each child will be depends largely on the educators, on their interest in the development of children. Now, as part of the child development program, educators are invited to create a garden on the window in the kindergarten.

Why do we need a "garden on the window"?

The purpose of this project is the education of children, the development of cognitive interests, as well as the formation of aesthetic feelings of preschoolers. Of course, to achieve this goal, you need to move from simple to more complex, based on the age capabilities of children.

The most optimal for the implementation of this project are:

  • middle group (4-5 years);
  • senior group (5-6 years);
  • preparatory group (6-7 years).

Basic requirements of the project

To create a project "Garden on a window in the garden", the main requirement of which is the safety of children, you must remember the following:

  • the dimensions of the created mini-beds should not exceed the dimensions of the window sill;
  • the garden on the window should be located in a safe area for children;
  • the use of fertilizers in kindergarten is prohibited.

The following requirements can be seen more as guidelines for creating a window garden:

  1. Sufficient lighting. It is best to place the garden on a window with a sunny side. If there is no such window, then you need to create additional lighting.
  2. For comfortable plant growth, a temperature of at least + 17 degrees is required.
  3. The soil. Based on the fact that fertilizers cannot be used in kindergarten, it would be best to buy ready-made soil in specialized gardening stores.

Compliance with all these requirements will help in creating a safe and fruitful window garden.

How to create a garden for children 4-5 years old?

The age possibilities of children are not yet very great, and here, of course, the main activity lies with the educator. The garden on the window of the middle group can arrange the most primitive - these are wooden boxes the size of the windowsill, painted in bright colors to attract the attention of children. It is best to use no more than two beds at this age, because children are just starting to learn to compare several objects. Seeds should be chosen for planting large (onions, peas, beans), fine motor skills are poorly developed at this age, and children simply cannot sow seeds of cucumbers or dill, which means they will not receive positive emotions.

The garden on the window in the kindergarten, the design of which is a creative and aesthetic process, involves the involvement of children in this work. For example, they can paint the sun, which will warm their beds.

Garden on the window for children 5-6 years old

This age category differs from the previous one in that children already have accumulated experience in creating a garden and the basics for caring for it have been formed. The older group can create a window garden with a more diverse type of crop, there may be onions, beans, peas familiar to children and new vegetable crops, such as indoor cucumbers. Growing will require more attention from the children, in addition to the familiar watering, it will be necessary to properly loosen the ground around the shoots, make and correctly place the grid for weaving the cucumber around the window.

Part of the responsibility for caring for the garden on the window is shifted from the teacher to the children - this is, for example, to monitor the temperature and lighting. The garden on the window, the design of which is partly borne by the kindergarten students, will bring children a lot of new experiences and discoveries that are incredible for their age.

Garden on the window for children 6-7 years old

The garden on the window is already being created by the preparatory group in accordance with all the rules of gardening. Children aged 6-7 years old can already be entrusted with a lot, the educator is entrusted with control over the process. Children can sow seeds on their own, water the garden according to the duty schedule, and keep a calendar of observations. Here, the teacher already needs to divide the team into groups and assign a certain section of the garden to each group. This is necessary so that children not only learn how to care for plants, but also gain experience in communicating with each other in order to transfer information based on their experience. Each child should be included in the project "Window Garden in Kindergarten". The design is also the responsibility of the children.

Children's imagination and fantasy help to solve this problem. Here you can already make a cardboard fence, put a scarecrow in the center of the garden, make bees out of colored paper and attach them to the net for weaving cucumbers ... In general, the brighter and more diverse the garden, the more information your pupils will be able to glean.

"Garden on the window" - its role in the educational process

It's no secret that the creation of any project in kindergarten should contribute to the educational process. The window garden is no exception. With the correct use of this project, children not only learn how to care for it, but also expand their vocabulary with:

  • acquaintance with new words (watering can, plant, loosen, seeds);
  • use of poems, sayings, riddles about cultivated crops.

This has a positive effect on the development of speech.

In math classes, you can also use the garden. For example, offer the children in the preparatory group the following task: “We planted 10 bulbs, 8 of them sprouted and gave a green feather. How many bulbs did not germinate? A child who has not been able to subtract mentally can go to the onion garden and do the calculation.

In addition, Chipollino or Senor Tomato can come to any of your classes and ask the guys to help solve this or that problem. After all, it is the game form of learning that is the main one in the preschool educational institution.

The diary of observations "Garden on the window in kindergarten" (design) instills in children a sense of responsibility for the fulfillment of tasks. It also expands their horizons, they get acquainted with such concepts as clear weather, cloudy, rainy, temperature conditions.

The vegetable garden on the window as the founder of the research activity of the child

Every child who takes part in a creative project, without realizing it, becomes a little explorer. At first, he is curious about the process of seed germination and the appearance of an escape. Then, with the help of the teacher, the task becomes more complicated, the child begins to look for answers to the following questions:

  • Why does one plant have a bright green color, while the other is pale, sometimes even yellow?
  • Why, while watering plants at different intervals, we noticed that one of them withered?

Undoubtedly, in order to correctly answer these questions, children must be taught to observe. And in order not to forget your observations, they need to be recorded somewhere. Here, their assistant will be the observation diary “Garden on the Window in Kindergarten”, the design of which will first be maintained by the teacher, and then by the pupils themselves.

Children who engage in research activities from an early age become good analysts. They have well-developed thinking with the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

The role of parents in the Window Garden project

Of course, everyone shares their impressions with their parents, regardless of whether they are good or bad. Here, the main thing for parents is to show interest, help the teacher-educator and their child in creating the creative project “Garden on the Window in Kindergarten”, the design of which requires:

  • understanding of ongoing processes;
  • fresh artistic views;
  • opportunities to share your experience.

If children see their parents' participation in their kindergarten problems, they will never become introverted people.


It would seem that a simple project "Garden on the window", but how many tasks of the educational process can be solved at once. Experiment, set new tasks, and your seeds will surely give you excellent shoots.

Irina Shibalina

Hello dear colleagues maamamtsy.

Environmental and labor education are very important sections of the work program kindergarten. Since this problem is very relevant, many preschool educational institutions take them as their main line of work. Environmental education involves the formation of an active life position in children in relation to the world around them. Simply put, children are taught not only to love nature, but also to see problems, find ways to solve them, be responsible for their actions, and be a model for others. This can be a great help garden on the windowsill in kindergarten. Labor education should also help to form certain practical skills necessary for the successful implementation of various activities.

Here's what vegetable garden on the windowsill we made together with the guys.

And now I will tell you in more detail how our garden.

First of all on windowsill put mats with imitation grass. They put a village house made with their own hands.

On the other side of the house they made a lake and reeds from paper.

Grandfather and grandmother were planted next to the house. And dandelions in the meadow.

Ducks swim in the lake. And a tractor rides on the grass and carries a cart with planted vegetables.

Our garden we came up with a motto.

On my own garden we planted: seedlings of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. The children are happy to work here and learn environmental and labor skills. And when our seedling will grow up, we will transplant it with the guys on garden, which is available on the territory of our kindergarten. And there we will continue to take care of the planted plants together. Well, when autumn comes, we will collect our harvest.

Natalia Medvedeva

In March, according to tradition, we decided to participate in the competition "The best garden in window» , which takes place annually as part of our kindergarten.

First, we planted in containers the seeds of various, the most common cultures: dill, parsley, watercress, tomatoes, cucumber, pepper and beans. The children took part in this activity with pleasure and great enthusiasm. Then we decided to make for our "bed" cosy mini house.

They took a cardboard box as a basis and filled it up "soil"(buckwheat). Then I wanted to arrange "estate" and we added some decorative elements.

They put up a windmill made of newspaper tubes and made a pond with geese (cold porcelain). Then we planted our "beds", an onion tree and populated the corner with tenants, figurines of various domestic animals and people.

The guys and I daily looked after and watched the growth of plants. All this was recorded in the observation diary. The children ate the onion with pleasure at lunch, adding it to the soup. grown up seedlings transferred to the site kindergarten, for further cultivation.)

Our garden is one of the best! This year we will definitely come up with something interesting!

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(teacher, children and parents) In our kindergarten No. 5, Usolye-Sibirskoye, a mini-project “Garden on the Window” was held. And we are with our kids.

Group formation in the spring

Every year, in our group, we create a corner for environmental work with children in the spring. Together with the children, we design window sills: we plant plants, consolidate plant care skills, keep observation diaries, and rejoice at every success. After all, the flowers grown by us will delight us in the summer at the kindergarten site, and dill, parsley, lettuce and onions are in perfect harmony in our diet. Bringing to your attention an exemplary design example: "Gardens on the window".
Objective: creation of favorable conditions for environmental work with children in the spring.
- to promote the formation in children of an idea of ​​the growth and development of plants;
- strengthening the skills of caring for plants;
- revealing the creative potential of teachers;

Enrichment of the developing environment of groups.
Registration requirements:
- decorative and artistic design: originality, variety, condition of plants;
- participation of children in the design;
- safety, accessibility in the development of labor skills of children;
- the presence of a diary of observations.
1. Schematically showed the "growth of plants", in the photo we have a sunflower.

2. In the design, we used the "alpine hill", the fairy tale "turnip", and the clings from Kinder Surprise and even the old dryer.

3. We separated a zone for three piglets, made their lawn out of yarn and put up a house, fenced it all with cones, gave a second life to the dump truck.

4. Our toys also help in our decoration.

Thank you for your attention, I will be glad if I could give you an idea in the future design of the group in the spring.