Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova: menu for every day in detail. Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova: menu for every day in detail Nutrition according to Mirimanova minus 60 menu

All those who are losing weight know many different diets, the names of which include the name of the founder of this food system or the public figure who sits on it, the main component of the dishes, the name of the country or region in which they supposedly eat only this way to maintain slim figures. How many power systems do you know that have a result in their name? One of them is the system of Ekaterina Mirimanova, better known as the “Diet Minus 60”. Ekaterina, following the basic recommendations of snacks and proper nutrition, lost 60 kg of excess weight in a year. It took her 18 months for the “chubby” woman weighing 120 kg to turn into a slender woman.

Principles of the weight loss technique

This is the tastiest and most gentle diet for the body, because to lose weight in this way you do not need to radically change your diet. It is enough to make some adjustments. This power system has its own characteristics. The main principles of the Minus 60 Diet by Ekaterina Mirimanova:

  1. Varied hearty breakfast. The main meal, during which the body is primarily saturated with food. A pleasant start to the day is the key to success throughout the day. Moreover, the active phase of the day falls between 07:00-15:00. In order for the body to withstand the load, it needs to be well fed in the morning.
  2. You can eat whatever you like, but only for breakfast - sweet, fatty, fried. Even fast foods and other unhealthy delicacies are allowed.
  3. The most varied and rich meal is breakfast, less rich but more healthy is lunch, light food for the body is dinner.
  4. Mandatory daily physical activity - gym classes, swimming pool, active types of games and recreation.
  5. Tea and coffee with added sugar and milk are allowed for breakfast; adding anything to these drinks throughout the day is prohibited.
  6. You can drink juices, still mineral water and periodically a glass of dry red wine.
  7. Be sure to take multivitamins and take extra care of your skin.
  8. It is necessary to weigh yourself every day and keep track of the foods you eat, and record the results in a diary.
  9. You need really strong motivation, because you will have to change your habits and diet so as not to relapse.
  10. If you couldn’t resist and ate something forbidden or missed a workout, you don’t need to go back to the beginning of the diet, continue to stick to it. Don't forget about sports.

For one meal you need to consume 300-350 grams of food.

Sweet tea and coffee are only available in the morning. Throughout the day, you can, but it is not advisable, have two snacks - fruit, a handful of nuts, dried fruits, cottage cheese, kefir or low-fat yogurt. Once or twice a week you can treat yourself to a glass of dry red wine. After dinner there should not be any meals, you can drink water. If you find yourself visiting in the evening, a couple of pieces of diet cheese are allowed.

The essence of the Minus 60 Diet is that by correctly distributing the food you eat throughout the day, you can lose up to 10 kg in weight in a few months. This weight loss system refers to long-term diets and you should not expect stunning results after several days of such nutrition. Also, such a diet can be made into a normal diet, then the results will last for a long time.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers can sit on it. But, in their case, this diet should be less strict, because their body is in an interesting position and works for two.

Advantages and disadvantages

You can’t find a more delicious and enjoyable way to lose weight, especially since products for the Minus 60 Diet are available and stored in many people’s refrigerators. This is an additional plus.


  • Minimal restrictions on foods and meal times.
  • Getting rid of extra pounds does not harm the body.
  • Such a meal schedule disciplines the person losing weight.
  • In the first week, several kilograms are lost.
  • In the future, weight loss will be -1-1.5 kg per week, which is absolutely safe for the body.
  • A diet combined with exercise in the gym, swimming pool and massage helps keep the body and skin toned.
  • Additional intake of vitamins and skin nutrition will help maintain the beauty of the body.
  • There is no need to set records for the volume of water you drink.
  • Suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
  • The risk of failure is minimal and there is no need to start over.

The number of benefits of Catherine’s diet is impressive, and there are enough of them to try this wonderful method of losing weight for yourself. But for any advantages there are always disadvantages.


  • This is not an express diet and there will not be a quick, impressive effect.
  • It’s hard for night owls with their late mornings.
  • It is difficult to stick to a diet with a very busy and busy schedule.
  • Large time interval between dinner and bedtime.
  • You cannot taste food while cooking. Perceived as a forbidden snack.
  • It is prohibited for people with diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system, especially the liver, gall and pancreas.

As you can see, there are more benefits to this diet and all the restrictions are quite reasonable. And the disadvantages relate more to restrictions on the rhythm of life and health status.

Basic Rules

The most important rule of Ekaterina Mirimanova’s diet is that you can eat everything for breakfast, eat it, and not overeat. At other meals, the amount of varied food is reduced. There is also a list of practical tips from the author of the diet, which can be regarded as weight loss rules:

  1. Three mandatory meals and two optional snacks.
  2. Milk chocolate must be replaced with black chocolate.
  3. Lunch should be no later than 14:00, and dinner - before 18:00 or before 20:00 if you go to bed after midnight.
  4. The dishes on the daily menu should be varied.
  5. Limit the consumption of sugar and salt.
  6. You can drink tea, coffee and dry red wine.
  7. It is better to give preference to rye bread or special bread.
  8. Drink water as needed. There is no point in pouring liters of water into yourself.
  9. You are allowed to eat only steamed or brown rice.
  10. Potatoes, bread, pasta can be eaten for breakfast and lunch.
  11. During lunch you should not eat bread, pasta, potatoes with fish and meat of birds and animals.
  12. The use of sour cream, mayonnaise and store-bought sauces is minimized.
  13. Fasting and fasting days are prohibited.
  14. For lunch and dinner, food is boiled, stewed, steamed and baked. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten raw.

Let us examine in more detail the prohibitions and restrictions regarding each meal.


In the morning - a holiday for those who like to eat a lot and not always healthy. You can eat anything! Except for quick soups and other food from packages, which you just need to pour boiling water over for a few minutes. You will have to say goodbye to such dishes. Ban on milk and white chocolate. Only black is allowed. You can have a variety of fruits and berries, including sweet ones.


At this time, the rules of proper nutrition come into force. You can't fry! Boiling, stewing, baking, steaming is allowed. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten raw. You can add a teaspoon of sour cream or mayonnaise to your food, as a last resort. But you shouldn’t get carried away with fatty sauces. You can add spices and hot sauces from natural ingredients. This meal has its own characteristics, without which weight loss is impossible:

  • legumes and starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes) with animal products and fish are prohibited;
  • pasta, couscous or bread are also prohibited in one meal along with fish and meat products;
  • legumes, starchy vegetables and flour products are allowed to be eaten 1-2 times a week;
  • you can fish, meat, meat products, offal, canned fish in its own juice (extremely rare);
  • Pickled, smoked, salted foods are allowed in limited quantities;
  • Rice and buckwheat are allowed from cereals;
  • dairy and fermented milk products are allowed;
  • You can use any cheese, even soy cheese.


The most strict and limited food intake. For this meal, it is easier to write what and how you can eat than to list all the prohibitions. The most important “don’ts” are pickled, smoked, salty foods, cheeses, milk of 5% or more, pasta, legumes, starchy vegetables, mushrooms, eggplant, pumpkin, avocado, sweet fruits, non-natural fish and meat. It is allowed to use spices, herbs and a little soy sauce. Dinner options for the Mirimanova diet:

  1. Dairy products with fruits.
  2. Fruits and vegetables.
  3. Fruits with rice or buckwheat.
  4. Vegetables and dairy products.
  5. Vegetables and rice, buckwheat.
  6. Meat, fish, seafood, eggs.
  7. Dairy products and crisps.


Separately, we provide a list of fruits and berries allowed for snacks and meals after lunch: a small handful of nuts, citrus fruits, 1-2 apples, 1-2 pieces of watermelon or pineapple, 4-6 pieces of plums, prunes, kiwi or dried apricots. You are allowed to drink freshly squeezed juices from these fruits, unsweetened tea and coffee, and water.

Sample menu for the week

To figure out how to build a menu for the week, let's try to figure out the Minus 60 Diet menu for every day: for breakfast you can treat yourself to various, even harmful, goodies, eat sweets, for lunch we apply the principle of proper nutrition - cereals, vegetables, meat and fish fried, drinks without sugar, dinner - meat and fish without side dishes, and you can add vegetables and fruits to porridge and cottage cheese. There is nothing complicated.

The menu for the week with the Minus 60 Diet is built on the same principle. The first days, out of habit, it will be difficult in the evenings, especially when you need to prepare food for the family, but you need to stick with it.

To make it easier to enter into a diet and easier to create a meal plan, we offer the Diet Minus 60 table of an approximate menu for the week, which you can change, taking into account the rules and prohibitions, at your discretion.

Days of the weekMeals
Mondaymilk porridge, sandwich with cheese or sausage, sweet tea or coffeepickle with chicken meat, vegetable salad and teacottage cheese or kefir with fruit
Tuesdaymeat casserole, a piece of cake or pastry, tea and coffeevegetable soup with meat broth (without potatoes), stewed mushrooms with vegetables, compotevegetable salad with soy sauce and herbs
Wednesdaystewed potatoes with mushrooms, light vegetable salad, green teapureed vegetable soup, steamed meatballs with rice, tea or coffeerice porridge with fruits
Thursdaymuesli or oatmeal with sweet fruit, cheese sandwich, tea or coffeebuckwheat soup with meat, salad with eggs and shrimp, teacottage cheese with vegetables
FridayChop with mashed potatoes, fruit salad, sweet tea or coffee with milk and cookiesfish soup without potatoes, buckwheat with baked meat, salad, compotebuckwheat with vegetables or vegetarian pilaf
Saturdayfried eggs, mashed potatoes with sausage, piece of pie, fresh juicevegetable or noodle soup, mushrooms with green beans, compote or jellybaked or boiled fish or meat without side dish
Sundaynoodles with smoked meat, cake, tea or coffeelight chicken soup without potatoes, vegetarian sushi, tomato salad, tea or coffeecottage cheese, milk or kefir with spices

Any diet requires motivation. The Minus 60 Diet is no exception. In this case, motivation must be very strong, because the period of losing weight is long, and this requires willpower and a meaningful goal, for the sake of which you will not fall off the set course.

You need to go on the Mirimanova Diet gradually.

For many people, it is difficult to eat at 18:00 and refrain from snacking for the rest of the day. Therefore, dinner on the Minus 60 Diet is the most difficult task. But it's not scary. If after 18:00 the food in the refrigerator looks very appetizing, put a cup of water on the shelf, which is located at eye level. The gaze will dwell on her and the appetite will decrease. If it doesn’t help, use a proven remedy - drink water, the feeling of hunger will subside for a while.

Do you want to eat between meals? Relax! A walk in the park, a cup of coffee in the company of a friend, pleasant music, an interesting book, visiting exhibitions - there are plenty of options to take your mind off thoughts about food.

Beauty and youth are emphasized by a perfect figure, so everyone who wants to have an impeccable appearance cares not only about maintaining a fresh face, but also about keeping their body slim.

Often this is impossible without following certain nutritional rules - diet. Very The “Minus 60” slimming program turned out to be effective. The weight loss system, the table of permitted foods and the principles of their use are discussed in detail in this article.

The essence of the “Minus 60” weight loss system, its principles

The “Minus 60” diet was created by E. Mirimanova. She justified which foods can be eaten (shown in the table below) and at what time.

The author of the method managed to lose 60 kg in 1.5 years, after which it was decided to write a book about weight loss in order to convey his personal experience, his achievements and the principles of losing weight to everyone who also wants to get rid of extra pounds.

The essence of the weight loss method proposed by Mirimanova comes down to the following:

  • psychological mood of someone losing weight;
  • special dietary food;
  • mandatory regular training;
  • skin and body care.

The weight loss program in question does not guarantee quick results, weight loss occurs gradually, the main thing is the right approach and attitude.

There is no need to weigh yourself every day, the main thing is to strictly follow the rules

It is better to track the results over time: infrequently, about once a month, weigh yourself and measure the volumes of body parts. Much attention is paid to proper nutrition.

The author of the method, Ekaterina Mirimanova, was not skinny before. But she managed to develop an effective weight loss method and lose 60 kg.

Note!“Minus 60” - a weight loss system (the table of products will be discussed below) does not establish prohibitions on the consumption of foods; those losing weight can eat their favorite “junk” food every day, but only at a certain time - until 12 noon!

There are no restrictions in the morning hours, everything is possible: sweet, salty, flour, and fried. A few exceptions include sweet soda and milk chocolate. You should completely forget about these products.

Basic principles of the “Minus 60” weight loss system

Consuming satiating foods evenly(cottage cheese, meat, cereals, etc.) at every meal. This means that such products for each meal are eaten in the same volume, for example, 250 grams, and are supplemented with other, healthy, but not so filling foods (for example, vegetables, fruits).

Achieving a big goal– losing weight by a certain number of kilograms is facilitated by small goals that are much easier to achieve both in terms of time and effort.

For example, if you need to lose 20 kg in 7 months, then this period can be divided into shorter periods: 1 month - 2 kg, 2 month - 4 kg and so on. It is easier to cope with small tasks, and achieving a goal will give you strength for new victories.

This The nutritional system establishes compliance with the time frame for eating food: almost all foods are allowed to be eaten before noon; Fried foods are not allowed for lunch, meat and fish are consumed in accordance with the requirements of separate meals, and dinner is the lightest meal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The main advantage of this weight loss system is the fact that there is no need to give up your favorite food, only the consumption of all “harmful” foods in most cases occurs at breakfast.

Weight loss according to the system: before and after

Besides, The advantages of “Minus 60” include the following points:

  1. The consumption of sweets and alcohol (dry wine) is allowed; this will help a person losing weight not to become an outcast at any holiday.
  2. There is no need to drink large amounts of water. It is recommended not to limit the amount you drink, but also not to force you to drink a lot of liquids; you should listen to the wishes of your body.
  3. This food system will not require large financial investments; all recommended products are available and stored in almost every kitchen.

By and large, there are few disadvantages of the diet in question:

  • it is not suitable for people who need quick results;
  • to maintain a beautiful figure, you will always have to follow the diet requirements;
  • It is quite difficult for working women to follow the recommended diet routine, because it is often difficult to have a proper lunch at the workplace, and you will also have to have dinner at work, since almost all office employees are here until 18:00.

Those who cannot bring themselves to have a full breakfast will not like the diet either; for such people, this diet can turn into a hunger strike, because breakfast will consume the largest number of kilocalories (the only way out is to gradually reconsider your habits and develop new ones).

And, of course, as before starting any diet, It is best to seek advice from a doctor, especially for people with gastrointestinal disorders, nursing mothers, and athletes.

Tables of “Minus 60” diet products

Products that are allowed and prohibited for consumption while observing the “Minus 60” (weight loss system) are given in the table separately for each meal.

When preparing a personal menu, it is important to consider the following:
Although recipes for dishes can combine many products, you should adhere to the basics of separate nutrition, for example, fish and meat are eaten separately from cereals, potatoes and legumes, which, in turn, are used to cook first courses only in water, not in broth.

Fried foods are allowed only until 12 noon; after that, baked, stewed, boiled, and grilled foods are recommended.

Rice and buckwheat cereals should form the basis of the diet. Wherein Wild rice is best, as is brown rice.

Sugar intake should be reduced to a minimum. This product should be replaced with fructose or brown sugar.

Breakfast Food Chart

As can be seen from the table above, the morning meal according to the “Minus 60” weight loss system contains almost no foods prohibited for consumption.

Lunch food table

For lunch according to the “Minus 60” weight loss system, products from the table are allowed salted and lightly salted, pickled, pickled, smoked, but consumption of all foods allowed for lunch is limited in volume- 50 gr.

When buying food products for lunch in a store, you need to check their composition; they should not contain prohibited ingredients, for example, sugar, butter. However, gelatin and agar-agar are allowed as ingredients.

Table of foods for dinner

The easiest meal for the “Minus 60” (weight loss system) is dinner. The food table for this meal clearly proves this statement.

According to the author, you should not have snacks. However, if your hunger is so strong that you can’t wait for your next meal, it’s best to drink green tea. When this option does not help, you can snack on plums, apples, kiwi, pineapple, citrus fruits or watermelon.

The “Minus 60” weight loss system allows you to enhance the taste of dishes with seasonings and spices not included in the table. For example, before 14:00 you can eat 1 teaspoon of sour cream, mayonnaise or any vegetable oil; Small portions of ketchup, horseradish and other seasonings, as well as herbs, garlic, etc. are allowed all day. Preference should be given to natural products and spices.

System breakfast

Breakfast should be one, normal one, and not last the entire time allowed for it - from morning to lunch. Sometimes you can break breakfast into 2 stages:

  • first – a cup of tea, coffee or glass of water;
  • the second is eating.

Although there is no strict ban on consuming sugar, you should try to limit the amount of it in your daily diet, even for breakfast.

Forbidden milk chocolate can be replaced with dark chocolate, which is more useful. Eating potatoes and pasta is acceptable, but only for breakfast, or for lunch, but without meat.

Eating white bread is also possible only in the morning, after which only black bread should be consumed.

In the diet during this period there are certain prohibitions on eating foods. Anything fried in oil is prohibited. In addition, there are restrictions on the use of sour cream (mayonnaise), this product is allowed, but the permissible amount is only 1 teaspoon for up to 14 hours.

After 12 hours, it is especially important to adhere to the basics of separate nutrition

Evening meals include a ban on an even larger number of foods, as well as options for their combination: Eating cereals and meat is allowed only independently or with vegetables. All dairy products are allowed.

Important to remember! This meal, in accordance with the recommendations, is best completed before 6 p.m., but in special cases it is acceptable after 8 p.m. If hunger begins to bother you after this time, it is recommended to drink green tea, which will help suppress hunger.

If dinner is missed, it is better to forget about it altogether.

Note! In life, situations quite often arise when the usual daily routine is disrupted, for example, there is a corporate event that is impossible not to attend.

What should girls do who adhere to nutritional rules in accordance with the “Minus 60” weight loss system, because even if the products from the table are available at the banquet, the time for this event will naturally be no earlier than 18:00.

On such holidays It is allowed to have a snack of 2-3 pieces of any low-fat cheese, it is also acceptable to drink dry wine, preferably red.

Physical activity during the “Minus 60” diet

The restrictions on food consumption established by the weight loss system under consideration will bring faster results if they are combined with regular physical exercise.

Physical activity makes it easier to lose weight, and also maintains the muscle corset and skin in tone.

Only regular training will bring results, and not doing certain exercises occasionally.

You can choose a set of exercises yourself, or you can do the exercises suggested by Mirimanova.

The author of the system in question suggests performing simple leg swings, squats, bridges and other exercises that are familiar to everyone from physical education lessons at school and allow you to use the main muscle groups.

Exercises to help lose belly fat

Nutritionist opinion

“Minus 60” is a fairly effective diet, which most nutritionists agree with, because it is based on time-tested postulates of separate nutrition.

Breakfast allows a person not to feel unhappy and at the same time helps to balance the diet, because the variety of foods at this time is limited only by the person on a diet.

This method of losing weight is less harmful to the body. and is easier to tolerate than mono-diets, protein diets, etc., which prohibit a significant amount of foods.

So, the “Minus 60” weight loss system will help you achieve noticeable results. A table of recommended and prohibited foods will help you decide what you can use to prepare the “correct” breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

The power system under consideration is simple, but at the same time it is very effective and does not require constant struggle with hunger.

The following video will tell you where to start losing weight using the Mirimanova system:

This video will teach you how to cook systemic dishes:

The following video shows the real story of weight loss using the “Minus 60” system:

The Minus 60 diet, already beloved by many, was born thanks to Ekaterina Mirimanova, who once lost 60 kg. The secret to the popularity of the method is the ability not to deny yourself your favorite delicacies and to lose weight by 3-7 kg per month. That is, no violence against oneself, only the correct diet and diet without harm to the psyche.

Principles of the Minus 60 diet and its rules

  • You should eat three times a day.
  • We put large dishes in the cupboard - we eat from a plate the size of two fists.
  • We reduce the sizes of our favorite desserts to a minimum (we don’t refuse, but we reduce them): for example, 2-3 cookies, 2 pieces of chocolate, 1 medium piece of fruit.
  • Between meals - no snacks.
  • There is no need to drink liters of water. We drink as much as the body requires.
  • Salt is not prohibited, but it should be limited. Gradually, the amount of salt should be reduced to a minimum; it is not necessary to give up completely. We replace classic table salt with sea salt.
  • After 6 pm (this is the main disadvantage of the technique) you cannot eat at all. Didn't have time to eat? Be patient until the morning.
  • There is no need to punish yourself for overeating, nor do you need to arrange fasting days after it. In the evening you couldn’t resist and ate a piece of chocolate? This means that for dinner you should increase the amount of slow carbohydrates, and replace dessert with sweet berries.
  • Do you constantly feel hungry? Increase the size of your portions, but take into account the permitted foods.
  • Combine a diet with physical activity, with sports (30-40 min/day) so that the weight does not “stagnate” at a certain stage. Read also:
  • Don't forget about skin care to avoid stretch marks and sagging. Scrubs, creams, sports, and self-massage will help maintain normal skin condition.

What foods can be consumed on the Mirimanova Minus 60 diet?

  • 1st food group - fruits with dairy products: apples, plums (no more than a handful), and citrus fruits, berries (a handful), pineapple, dried fruits (5-6 pieces), melon/watermelon (a couple of slices). The fat content of dairy products is not higher than 5 percent.
  • Group 2 – vegetables and fruits. The choice of fruits is the same. Any vegetables are recommended, except peas and potatoes, corn and pumpkin, eggplant, and mushrooms.
  • Group 3 – vegetables and cereals. Any vegetables are allowed, except avocados, potatoes and peas, eggplants and zucchini, pumpkin, and corn. Mushrooms are also prohibited. From cereals – buckwheat and rice.
  • 4th group – cereals with fruits: buckwheat and rice, barley. The fruits are the same.
  • 5th group – protein products(it is not recommended to combine them with any products): beef and turkey, chicken fillet, pork tenderloin, rabbit, eggs (1 piece, no more), fish and seafood, individual offal (low-fat). Sausage is prohibited.
  • Group 6 – dairy products: kefir/ryazhenka (1 cup), cottage cheese (low-fat, 100 g), goat cheese or feta cheese (50 g), natural yoghurts (low-fat, 1 cup).
  • 7th group – vegetables with dairy products. The choice of vegetables is the same. Exception from dairy products (low-fat!) - yoghurts and cheeses.

Drinks allowed by the diet:

  • Coffee – 1 small cup/cup, until 6 pm.
  • Green tea.
  • Mineral water without gas (allowed after 6 pm).
  • Freshly squeezed juices – ½ cup (diluted with water).
  • Dry red wine – 1 glass (allowed after 6 pm).

How to create a menu correctly?

An approximate menu using the Minus 60 method looks like this:

Diet Minus 60 – breakfast.

Rules for breakfast according to diet:

  • Strict rule – breakfast is a mandatory meal! Moreover, nutritious and dense.
  • You are allowed to eat what your soul requires, including a piece of cake or pastry, cookies and smoked meats, pickles with marinades.
  • You can add sugar to tea/coffee, but the best option is to use cane sugar, and over time, completely avoid sugar.
  • The best dessert for breakfast is dark dark chocolate.
  • Pasta/potatoes, baked goods, seafood and meat, and white bread are allowed. But in minimal portions. Products should be stewed, cooked in the oven (grilled) or baked in foil.
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil is allowed in a salad of stewed/fresh vegetables.

Breakfast menu options:

  • Sweet coffee + 1 serving of fried potatoes.
  • Casserole (fish, meat) with potatoes + tea.
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream + a piece of cake + a cup of tea/coffee.
  • Pancakes (filled with meat or cottage cheese) + light fruits + tea/coffee and sweets/cookies.
  • Porridge with milk (rice, oatmeal, semolina) with butter and sugar (honey) + tea/coffee + cheese sandwich.

Diet Minus 60 – lunch.

Rules for lunch according to the diet:

  • Lunch – no later than 2 pm.
  • Foods prohibited for lunch: sweets, dairy (high fat), white bread, pickles with smoked meats.
  • Potatoes and pasta are acceptable, but only with vegetables.
  • Soup is allowed, but with secondary broth and without potatoes. You shouldn’t get carried away - soups fill you up only for a short time.
  • Allowed for lunch: mushrooms and tofu, rye crackers (or whole grain bread), hard-boiled eggs, seafood, meat or steamed cutlets.
  • Stewed vegetables, buckwheat, and rice are recommended for garnish.
  • For dessert (your choice): 4-5 plums, an apple or kiwi, a glass of low-fat yogurt, a couple of slices of watermelon/melon.
  • Drinks: tea, coffee (small cup), freshly squeezed juice or half a glass of dry red wine.

Lunch menu options:

  • Vegetable stew with potatoes + stuffed tomatoes (cheese) + rye bread (1 piece).
  • Baked fish + beet salad with sour cream + stewed vegetables.
  • Vegetable salad + egg + macaroni and cheese.
  • Vegetable salad + baked chicken.
  • Buckwheat + stewed meat + vegetable borscht without potatoes + rye croutons.

Diet Minus 60 – dinner.

Rules for dinner according to the diet:

  • Dinner - no later than 6 pm!
  • Dishes are only steamed, baked in foil or boiled.
  • Prohibited: fried, grilled, any product with a “brown crust”.
  • Seasonings, soy sauce, and a little salt are allowed.
  • Choose products for your dishes from any of 7 groups.
  • Dinner on this diet is monocomponent. Meat for dinner? So, no side dish allowed. Vegetables? Also separately. Protein dishes for dinner are recommended for satiety.

Dinner menu options:

  • Jellied (meat, fish or shrimp).
  • Baked fish or chicken.
  • Rice with vegetables.
  • Boiled meat (chicken, lamb or beef).
  • Stew (vegetables) with potatoes.
  • Fish kebab.
  • Curd dish.

Menu for 7 days

When creating a menu, you should use lists of permitted products.


Breakfast. Omelette with tomatoes, bun with honey, coffee or tea.
Dinner. Macaroni and cheese, vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juice.
Dinner. Baked white trout or boiled shrimp, 1 glass of dry red wine or green tea.


Breakfast. A side of fried potatoes or a ham and cheese sandwich, freshly squeezed orange juice or coffee.
Vegetable soup, stewed mushrooms with vegetables, tea or coffee.
Curd and carrot casserole, apple or grapefruit, still mineral water.


Breakfast. Potato casserole, seasoned with herbs, any freshly squeezed juice or coffee.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, fish sushi, tea.
Dinner. 300 g of vegetarian cabbage rolls (cabbage, rice, bell peppers and carrots), tea or a glass of still mineral water.


Breakfast. Sweet oatmeal or corn porridge, a slice of chocolate, tea or coffee.
Dinner. Bean lobio or warm lentil salad with pumpkin and sweet pepper, homemade compote.
Dinner. 150 g of baked apples, low-fat yoghurt with pieces of fruit, a glass of dry red wine or tea.


Breakfast. Meat soup without potatoes, or broccoli puree soup, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, compote.
Dinner. Tongue aspic or lamb roll with prunes and apples.
Dinner. 300 g jellied meat or baked eggplants with spices, still mineral water.


Breakfast. Semolina pudding, 50 g of cookies, orange, coffee or green tea.
Dinner. Baked potatoes with grilled vegetables, carrot and beet salad, freshly squeezed juice.
Dinner. Zucchini baked with minced meat or fish soup, green tea.


Breakfast. Pearl barley or rice porridge, 2 chocolates, compote.
Dinner. Steamed fish or cabbage soup without meat, tea or coffee.
Dinner. Boiled chicken breast or stuffed bell pepper with dark rice, low-fat yogurt, kiwi, herbal or green tea.

  • A carbohydrate-rich breakfast overloads the pancreas, which can lead to diabetes.

  • Contraindications to the diet:

    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    • Diabetes.
    • Diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder.
    • Removed gallbladder.

    Losing weight without failure is very difficult. A low-calorie, half-starved menu, refusal of favorite foods, changes in eating habits lead to moral exhaustion, cause a strong feeling of hunger, and become a direct path to overeating. Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” diet changed the idea of ​​losing weight. This is the only system on which you can eat all your favorite foods and lose weight. With the right approach, there will be no breakdowns, hunger, or stress.


    How many kilograms can you lose weight

    The system differs from other diets in that it can be followed for an unlimited amount of time. There are people who, even after losing weight, continue to stick to the menu and follow the basic rules. The only point is that the diet is not short-term. It is not suitable for people who want to lose weight quickly: in a week or a month.

    The number of kilograms lost and the speed of weight loss will depend on the initial data, compliance with the rules, as well as the adequacy of the menu. If you overuse fatty, fried foods, even if they are allowed for breakfast, then the weight will come off slowly. The founder of the diet, Ekaterina Mirimanova, not only lost 60 kg, but also got her figure in order, learned to deal with stretch marks and cellulite, and is happy to share her experience with other women. One person may lose 7-8 kg in the first month of the diet, while another may only lose 2-4, but one thing is important here: the weight does not return.

    The essence of the “Minus 60” system

    The “Minus 60” diet does not involve strict refusals of foods, you just need to consume them at a certain time and combine them correctly. Breakfast is free, you can eat almost any dish with the exception of a small list of non-recommended types. There are also many options for lunch, but there are some restrictions. Dinner is the strictest, built on the principles of proper nutrition, combining easily digestible foods that do not lead to weight gain.

    Basic Rules:

    1. Three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Minus 60 diet does not include snacks.
    2. Limited meal times: breakfast in the morning within an hour after waking up, lunch until 14.00, dinner until 18.00. If a meal is overdue, it is skipped.
    3. Alcohol is prohibited. You can only have dry red wine and cheese infrequently and in small quantities. Beer, vodka, champagne and other alcoholic drinks are not allowed.
    4. Reducing portions. Despite the absence of a ban on quantity, it is recommended to gradually reduce portions. In the future, this will lead to a reduction in stomach volume, preventing overeating and subsequent weight gain.
    5. Mandatory skin care, especially when losing weight.
    6. Physical activity. “Minus 60” is a diet that is friendly with sports. Thanks to the varied and nutritious menu, there will be no problems with classes.

    The founder of the diet pays great attention to the psychological mood. You need to reconsider your motivation, change your view of nutrition, and set gastronomic priorities. Only in this case, the path to harmony will not be thorny, but healthy and fun.

    Interesting: Ekaterina Mirimanova does not focus on drinking liters of clean water. She believes that you need to drink as much as your body requires. However, do not forget that sometimes thirst disguises itself as hunger.

    Video: Ekaterina Mirimanova about the Minus 60 system

    Building a daily diet

    While losing weight, you can eat many dishes and products, but it is better to choose the healthiest ones. It is better to take unrefined cereals. Polished rice provides less value to the body than wild or unrefined grains. White bread contains many unnecessary calories and is not as healthy as rye baked goods, bread, and bran. Of course, for breakfast you can eat a piece of cake or five sandwiches with sausage, but a bowl of porridge with berries or fruits, nuts or seeds, sweetened with honey, will be much healthier and give more energy.

    Breakfast on the Minus 60 system

    The most delicious and free meal. You can eat everything that you couldn’t afford in the evening: sweets, flour and fried foods, pasta, casseroles, even buns and cakes. This technique helps to avoid breakdowns. Glucose fuels the brain, prevents bad moods from appearing, and helps maintain a good mood.

    Basic rules for breakfast on the system:

    1. Can't be missed. A morning meal starts metabolic processes, protects against overeating, and allows you to enjoy your favorite dishes without compromising your figure. This is precisely why the “Minus 60” system is unlike other diets.
    2. No milk chocolate. Ekaterina Mirimanova recommends completely abandoning it. If desired, replace with dark chocolate.
    3. Reduce the amount of sugar in tea and coffee. The author of the system recommends gradually weaning yourself from sweets and giving preference to fructose and brown sugar.

    During the diet, avoid sweet drinks, lemonade, and juices. The liquid should quench your thirst, but not provide extra calories. If it is difficult to drink plain water, then you can squeeze out a little lemon juice or infuse citrus peels, mint, and lemon balm.

    Lunch on the Mirimanova diet

    After 12 noon, the first restrictions of Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” diet appear. Product compatibility rules are starting to come into force.

    Basic rules for lunch:

    1. Sweets, baked goods and fried foods are prohibited. It is worth abandoning canned food, as it contains sugar, which is prohibited after noon, and a lot of salt.
    2. Oil, mayonnaise and sour cream on a diet are limited to 1 tsp. They cannot be used for frying; it is better to add them to salads.
    3. You can and should eat soups. If they are cooked in meat broth, then potatoes cannot be added to the dishes.
    4. Fruits are allowed, but there are restrictions. Kiwis, apples, plums, watermelons, pineapples and all citrus fruits are allowed. But you can’t use them as snacks, only eat them for dessert along with other lunch dishes.

    What to eat on the Minus 60 system? The diet allows meat and fish in any quantity; they can be combined with vegetables or cereals, but not with potatoes and pasta. Grains and starchy vegetables are eaten separately. Fresh salads and first courses are welcome.

    Dinner according to the “Minus 60” system

    The “Minus 60” diet has strict restrictions and its own rules that must be taken into account when preparing dinner. It is important not to make it late; the principle of “don’t eat after 6” works here. This will contribute to weight loss, as well as the feeling of hunger in the morning, the breakfast will be hearty, satisfying, and desirable. In addition, you can leave on it what you can’t do in the evening. For example, a piece of cake, pizza, rolls.

    Basic Rules:

    1. The dinner is modest, but not hungry or meager. Simple dishes are selected from permitted products.
    2. You cannot combine cereals with meat and fish.
    3. Legumes and starchy vegetables are prohibited for dinner; it is undesirable to eat mushrooms.
    4. Dairy products can be combined with either vegetables or fruits.
    5. Cereals are combined with fruits or vegetables, but not together.
    6. You can eat meat and fish in any quantity in combination with eggs and broths.

    What to eat for dinner on the Minus 60 system? The diet allows any dishes from permitted foods in the right combination. You can prepare jellied meat, slice it, or bake it on the grill. It is allowed to make salads, casseroles, stews, and caviar from vegetables. Dairy products with vegetables or fruits give a huge scope for imagination, but do not forget: the simpler the dish, the better for weight loss.

    Sample diet menu for a week

    During the first days of the diet, it is more convenient to stick to a ready-made menu; it will not allow you to get confused or disrupt the system. Gradually, the compatibility of products, prohibitions and rules will be remembered, and it will be easy to create a diet based on personal taste preferences and available products. Breakfasts are any at your discretion, but it is better to reduce the amount of unhealthy sweets and fatty, fried foods. An abundance of salt will also inhibit weight loss; season dishes with a small amount of spices to taste.

    First day
    Lunch: fish soup, eggplant stuffed with meat, carrot and garlic salad with sour cream
    Dinner: chicken jellied meat, boiled egg

    Second day
    Lunch: vegetarian borscht, vegetable brown rice
    Dinner: stewed or baked fish

    The third day
    Lunch: fish soup without potatoes, vegetable stew, fresh cucumber
    Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with apple, yogurt or a glass of kefir

    Fourth day
    Lunch: cabbage soup with water, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad with the allowed spoon of butter
    Dinner: steamed fish cutlets

    Fifth day
    Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken broth, beet salad with garlic
    Dinner: tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese, herbs, garlic

    Sixth day
    Lunch: stewed vegetable stew with chicken
    Dinner: cheesecakes, any allowed fruit, kefir or fermented baked milk

    Seventh day
    Lunch: peppers stuffed with meat, herbs and fresh vegetables
    Dinner: river fish aspic

    Skin care secrets from Ekaterina Mirimanova

    You should always take care of your body, and when losing a lot of weight, it is important to do this regularly and correctly. Massage and a good moisturizer will help maintain the beauty of your skin during a diet; exercise is a must. Even if you don’t have time or plan to go to the gym, morning exercises cannot be canceled. Swinging your legs and arms, walking in place, and bending will help you wake up and tone your muscles.

    Ekaterina Mirimanova pays special attention to exfoliating the skin and shares the recipe for a popular coffee scrub. It will help get rid of cellulite, prevent stretch marks and make existing stretch marks less noticeable. The preparation is very simple, and the cost is much cheaper than similar store-bought products.

    Scrub recipe from Mirimanova

    Coffee beans – 1 tbsp. l.
    Shower gel – 1 tbsp. l.
    Citrus oil – 2 drops

    Grind the coffee beans, but not into powder. The grains should be the size of coarse sugar. Mix with shower gel and use daily. For best effect, apply the product to steamed skin.

    If there are stretch marks on the body, then mumiyo will help to cope with them. Mirimanova recommends crushing 1-2 tablets, mixing with a portion of body cream, and applying to problem areas after scrubbing. It is important not to mix large portions of the cream at once so that the mummy does not lose its healing properties.

    Video: Miracle facial massage from Mirimanova

    Contraindications to the Minus 60 system

    “Minus 60” is a diet that can be followed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is what sets it apart from many other weight loss systems. Most young mothers choose Mirimanova’s program. But before starting, it is still advisable to consult with a pediatrician and a breastfeeding specialist.

    The diet is contraindicated for stomach diseases, since the intervals between meals are long. You cannot resort to this system in childhood and adolescence, with problems with the thyroid gland. After serious illness or surgery, you need to allow the body to fully recover.

    Disputes and disagreements about weight loss methods are caused by the fact that Ekaterina Mirimanova has nothing to do with dietetics. She is not a doctor, not a nutritionist, not a practicing dietitian. She is just a woman who one day decided to lose weight and did it. And today she talks about her experience to other women with a similar fate.

    Features of the “Minus 60” weight loss system

    Ekaterina is a journalist by education and vocation. From the age of thirteen, the girl collaborated with Moscow news agencies, and after graduating from school she was hired as a leading manager on the staff of one of them.

    A successful career and excellent job prospects were not overshadowed by Katya’s tendency to be overweight until one moment. The “black” streak in the girl’s life, associated with the death of her father and unhappy love, resulted in the habit of eating away at troubles. Over time, life calmed down, a loved one was found, Catherine got married and gave birth to a daughter. But the habit of eating remained, and with a genetic tendency towards excess weight, it resulted in one hundred and twenty kilograms of body weight. With a height of 175 centimeters, this turned out to be insanely high.

    History of appearance

    At some point, Catherine realized that she had become fat. This discovery, by the way, did not darken her life too much. She had no problems with her husband, who at that time weighed neither more nor less, as much as two hundred kilograms. But for the restaurant's chef, perhaps there was nothing wrong with that. But for Catherine, who was accustomed to leading an active lifestyle, the excess weight began to interfere.

    The “Minus 60” diet system was not developed as a scientifically based weight loss method. It became a transformation of Katya’s habits, an attempt to change herself and her life. That is why there is so much personal from the author in it. But this personal thing turned out to be close to thousands of women in the CIS.

    Eating sweets, not giving up your favorite foods, preparing delicious dishes, not “forcing” your body with liters of water - all this makes the diet very convenient and easy to follow. The general requirements of the methodology can be found on the official website of the Minus 60 system by Ekaterina Mirimanova Here you can order one of the diet books, of which about thirty have been published to date, download the book for free, or sign up for Ekaterina’s online training or webinar.

    Introductory fragments of books are available at the link You can download excerpts from the books “Recipes for the Minus 60 System or the Sorceress in the Kitchen”, “The Big Book of Recipes”, “The Minus 60 System for Men”, “The Minus 60 System or My Magic Weight Loss”.


    A detailed description of the diet can only be found in the books of Ekaterina Mirimanova, but the author is happy to share the basic principles on her website, blog and numerous interviews in periodicals.

    “The main advantage of my diet is that you can eat anything,” says Ekaterina, “and still lose weight.” “Anything” means any food, without restrictions, even if you are used to giving preference to sweet, fatty, fried foods. How is it possible to lose weight without changing your habits? To do this, you should adhere to several principles.

    • Don't skip breakfast. The first meal is the most important for the body. It makes him wake up and activates his metabolism. If you wake up early and don't want to eat, eat something light. But be sure to have a second, full breakfast when you get hungry.
    • Don't give up coffee. Your favorite drinks should remain in your diet, because without them you will feel discomfort. You can drink coffee and tea, but limit the amount of sugar in them. Reduce the sugar portion gradually, moving from two spoons per cup to one, then to half. Over time, you will understand that tea and coffee are delicious on their own, without sweeteners, and you will appreciate their bright, original taste. Alcohol is not prohibited, but instead of sweet wines, use dry red wines. The transition to new habits should not be abrupt.
    • Eat sweets. Strange, even paradoxical advice for those who want to get rid of excess weight. But the menu for a week of the “Minus 60” diet may include daily consumption of desserts. You just need to eat them correctly. “Eat any sweets only for breakfast, then they will not harm your body,” comments Ekaterina Mirimanova. You will only have to give up milk chocolate, giving preference to its safer “analogue” - dark and bitter chocolate with a maximum cocoa content.
    • Eat steamed rice. The author of the diet calls this product the best alternative to regular round rice. It is no less tasty, but much more beneficial for your figure. You can eat any cereal except...
    • Don't give up white bread. It will not harm your figure if you eat a piece for breakfast. At lunch, it is better to give preference to rye bread, but with the condition that there is no meat or fish dish in this meal.
    • Limit your consumption of potatoes and pasta. The author of the “Minus 60 kg” method considers these products to be the main enemies of slimness. They are only allowed to be consumed in the morning, while in the afternoon and evening they can prevent you from losing weight. At breakfast, any combination of products with pasta and potatoes is possible, but after breakfast, eating them with meat and fish is not permissible.
    • Try to have dinner before six.“The evening meal should be as early as possible,” says Ekaterina, “but you shouldn’t go to the point of fanaticism and eat before five in the evening. This can slow down weight loss." But it is important to eat no later than eight in the evening, even if you go to bed at three in the morning.
    • Don't drink too much.“The rate of weight loss and the amount of water you drink are not related to each other,” notes Auto Techniques. You don’t need to drink three or five liters of water a day; it’s enough to drink it “according to thirst.” If you want to drink, take a sip; to do this, always keep a bottle of still water with you.
    • Dinner should be light. Limit food consumption in the evening meal. According to reviews, the “Minus 60” system works effectively only if the dinner diet includes low-calorie dishes. This can be boiled rice with stewed vegetables or with fruit “dressing”. If you plan to eat meat, fish or seafood, there should be no other components of dinner on your plate.

    Psychological attitude

    The main thing in losing weight, according to Ekaterina, is not the compatibility of products or strict adherence to any recommendations, but the right psychological attitude. To decide to change yourself, you must first... love yourself. To this, most of us will answer: “I love myself anyway,” but often self-love looks like the torture of a jealous husband towards his wife.

    “If a person has everything in order in his family and at work, he will not have the desire to rush into the kitchen at one in the morning and eat sweets,” continues Ekaterina. “Therefore, before losing weight, I advise you to solve your internal problems.”

    It is equally important to get the right motivation. After all, why do most women decide to lose weight? Some people want to please a man, others want to fit into their favorite dress. But when the goal is achieved, motivation disappears, and the opportunity arises to “corrode” and gain weight again.

    “At my webinars, I teach how to choose the right motivation,” comments Ekaterina Mirimanova. “And the main aspect of losing weight is self-love, awareness of your worth, the ability to snatch time just for yourself in the cycle of daily everyday issues and endless tasks.”

    Self-care and exercise

    • Exercise. To do this, you don’t need to go to the gym, just spend a few minutes at home. Exercise at a time convenient for you, even at night, but do it every day. Daily physical activity mobilizes the body and increases your organization. What exercises should I do? Only the ones you like. This could be squats, jumping rope, bending, or abdominal exercises. Even five minutes of daily exercise will bring much more benefits to the body than torturing yourself in the gym twice a week.
    • Take care of your skin. When you start to lose weight, your skin may sag and stretch marks may appear. Don't let them ruin your appearance! Scrub your body with coffee grounds twice a week. Apply face and body cream to moisturize and tone your skin. Catherine also discovered her own remedy for stretch marks - mumiyo.

    Dissolve two mummy tablets in a small amount of body cream and apply to problem areas. If the smell of the product confuses you, add a few drops of aromatic oil to it. The composition increases the regenerative properties of the skin, fights stretch marks, effectively reduces the size of large stretch marks and removes small ones.

    Let's look at the practical advice from Ekaterina Mirimanova, which she gives regarding the most common issues when losing weight.

    • How not to eat after six? After all, many people don’t return home from work until eight? To avoid craving food after six, eat enough food throughout the day. When you stop fasting all day, you won't feel like eating something filling late at night.
    • How to combine products correctly? Is it really possible to eat everything before twelve o'clock? Indeed, the “Minus 60” diet food table by Ekaterina Mirimanova allows you to eat whatever you want at breakfast, including sweet dishes. For lunch, you can’t eat potatoes or pasta with meat, but if you want to eat them, add cheese or vegetables to them. For dinner, eat either meat or fish, cottage cheese can be combined with fruits and vegetables, buckwheat too. During the day, do not snack on yourself, and the serving size at each meal should be approximately the same.
    • How to solve the problem with sweets? Can you eat candy whenever you want? Nutritionists advise that if you really want something sweet, don’t suffer, but eat candy. But the problem is that you can never limit yourself to just one candy. Among the permitted foods on Mirimanova’s diet are sweets, cakes, pastries, and dark chocolate. Eat them as much as you want, but only in the first half of the day.
    • How to change your habits of eating less sugar, salt, and eating earlier in the evening? Everything needs to be done smoothly. If you are used to eating before bed, gradually shift the time of dinner. For example, you usually ate at ten in the evening, move dinner to nine, then to eight, then make it even earlier. If you have added a lot of salt to your food or added a lot of sugar, gradually reduce the amount of these foods to a minimum.

    Menu selection

    The menu for every day of the “Minus 60” diet by Ekaterina Mirimanova can be created based on your food preferences. The author offers general recommendations on what your diet can be like so as not to experience hunger and gradually lose excess weight.

    A sample menu for the week might look like this.

    When creating your diet, follow the basic rules for choosing foods for each meal.


    It is unacceptable to skip it; it is important to have breakfast before twelve o’clock in the afternoon. Eat whatever you want without counting calories or limiting portion sizes.

    Breakfast rules:

    • drink as much water as you want;
    • use as much salt as needed, not without fanaticism, since excess salt causes swelling;
    • eat sugar, honey and other sweets only before twelve o’clock; the best alternative to regular sugar is brown or fructose;
    • eat as much as you think is necessary, but do not overeat;
    • do not arrange fasting days, you do not need cleansing;
    • do not eat too much fruit, they can stop weight loss;
    • take a multivitamin.

    Sweets for breakfast won’t hurt, says the author of the technique, since your body will have time to process the energy received before the evening. High physical activity during the day stimulates weight loss.


    In order for the results of the diet to be pleasing, it is important to consider some rules for lunch. Sweets are not allowed at this meal, but you can eat fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and fish.

    Choose products from the proposed list.

    Follow the rules for preparing dishes for lunch:

    • eat before fourteen o'clock;
    • boil or stew foods;
    • consume only approved foods or combinations thereof;
    • cook soups without potatoes in meat broth or with potatoes, but in water;
    • add spices to taste;
    • do not combine meat and fish with pasta or potatoes, legumes in one meal;
    • eat any dairy products.

    Read more about the rules for choosing dishes for lunch in the table.


    The requirements for dinner are the most stringent, since it is during this period that there is a high probability of using the energy from the foods eaten not for good, but for the formation of fat deposits. But in this mode you can eat quite varied. We offer recipes in the menu table for the week of the “Minus 60” diet for dinner.

    You should also adhere to the following rules:

    • plan dinner before 18.00;
    • eat foods from one of the suggested options;
    • do not mix options, but swap them around by day, at your discretion;
    • cook for yourself separately from other family members and do not try their food;
    • stew food in water, do not fry;
    • do not consume sweets and sugar, including in drinks;
    • do not eat food from the common table at events; limit yourself to a couple of pieces of low-fat cheese.

    Read more about cooking methods, choice of seasonings and dishes in the table.

    The results of the diet will be noticeable within a month. According to reviews of those who have lost weight, the weight is at least four kilograms. At the same time, the diet remains varied, the right habits are formed: do not eat sweet and high-calorie dishes at night, choose unsweetened drinks, monitor your diet and menu.

    Nutritionist opinion

    The “Minus 60” system causes a lot of controversy in the professional community. Some experts do not share its principles, others partially advise adhering to these rules.

    “The ideal breakfast is all porridge with milk and water. Having received such “long-term carbohydrates”, you will maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, comments nutritionist Anastasia Antipova. - Then you can eat whatever you want, following Catherine’s recommendations. Indeed, sugar eaten in the first half of the day is less dangerous for the figure than in the second.”

    Other reviews from doctors and nutritionists are more categorical in their assessment of the diet.

    Maxim Naumov: “It’s stupid not to eat after six”

    “The critical mistake of any diet is to eat anything before lunch,” notes nutritionist Maxim Naumov. - This mistake can lead you to even more weight gain, since the essence of every diet is to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet. But here, just at breakfast you can eat as many calories as your body needs throughout the day.”

    Maxim Naumov does not recommend following such a diet for people who do not know moderation in food. And he notes the dubiousness of breakfast in the form of a sandwich with coffee. “Breakfast should provide energy for several hours, and such a diet will not provide it. It’s better to eat any porridge except semolina.”

    According to nutritionist Maxim Naumov, it is important to take into account other disadvantages of the diet.

    • Pasta and potatoes are normal food.“Probably, the recommendations not to eat these products are explained by Mirimanova’s personal dislike for them,” the specialist comments. “In dietetics, they are treated absolutely normally; the main thing is to consume them in moderation, without going overboard with calories.”
    • Vegetables cannot be prohibited. The nutritionist calls the restriction on the consumption of a number of vegetables in the evening meal absurd. And he believes that Mirimanova has a personal dislike for this list of products.
    • Eating fruit for dinner is a mistake. Fruits, unlike vegetables, are extremely rich in carbohydrates, and fast ones. By eating rice porridge with fruit for dinner, you will get energy that you simply have nowhere to put. And weight loss will slow down.
    • Not eating after six is ​​stupid.“This is the nonsense of diet planners who forget about the specifics of a particular person’s life,” explains Maxim Naumov. - When a person goes to bed after midnight, there is too much of a break in his diet from six in the evening. A person experiences hunger, which stimulates the body to accumulate fat at the first intake of food. This is unacceptable; you need to have dinner two to three hours before bedtime.”

    Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko agrees with the opinion of her colleague. “The “Minus 60” diet did not bring anything new to dietetics,” comments the doctor. “It is doubtful that on such a diet and without the use of any drugs, its author managed to lose sixty kilograms in a year.”

    Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko raises questions about the following aspects of the diet.

    • No need to drink a lot of water. Drinking when thirsty means driving the body to dehydration, which causes dry mouth and the urge to drink water. British professor of medicine Fereydon Batmanghelidj spoke about this. “Drinking as much water as you want is a deep misconception,” he noted.
    • Do not eat after 18.00. With the modern pace of life, this often turns out to be impossible. In addition, most people do not go to bed at nine in the evening, but do so much later, resulting in too long a break in eating. “If you go to bed at twelve o’clock at night, eat something at nine,” comments Lyudmila Denisenko. “Not a sandwich, of course, but a vegetable salad, for example, or cottage cheese.”
    • At feasts, drink only red wine and “a couple of pieces of cheese.” This statement, according to Lyudmila Denisenko, is fraught with the development of gastritis and liver problems. Alcohol on an empty stomach whets the appetite and disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Replacing sugar with fructose. In a number of countries around the world, the consumption of fructose is considered dangerous due to its toxicity to the liver. Nutritionists recommend completely abandoning this product.
    • Coffee, crackers or sandwich for breakfast.“The menu is completely unreasonable,” says Lyudmila Denisenko. “Breakfast should be hearty, but here it is a complete contradiction to all the recommendations of nutritionists.”
    • Don't eat during the day. Ekaterina Mirimanova’s advice to eat strictly three times a day does not comply with the principles of nutrition. According to the author of the diet, snacking slows down metabolism, which is why a person gains weight. Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko notes that “this is complete nonsense”; there is no slowdown in metabolic processes. It’s better to eat in fractional, small portions five or even six times a day.
    • Take multivitamins. The public opinion that it is necessary to take vitamins, regardless of dietary habits, was created artificially and is a misconception. With sufficient consumption of fruits, vegetables, cereals and grain products, the diet contains enough all vitamins and microelements. Artificial analogues are absorbed not even by half, but by five to ten percent.

    The specialist considers the recommendations to eat sausage, mayonnaise, crab sticks and frankfurters to be completely ignorant, as well as the requirement not to combine meat with anything. “These recommendations do not comply with any standards, which is not surprising, since they were compiled by a person far from nutritionists.”

    Things to think about

    The “Minus 60” system is not a diet as such. Essentially, this is a “life story” that happened in reality, or maybe it was made up... No one knows this. However, today the system has turned into an actively working business project, promoted in the CIS countries.

    The main tool for attracting “clients” is Ekaterina Mirimanova’s website, upon entering which the visitor immediately receives an offer to become a participant in a motivational program where you can start losing weight in just five days.

    Both the design and functions of the site, and the placement of information and reviews on it - all this is built according to the classical laws of copywriting and modern Internet marketing. And, by the way, it was built quite professionally, it really captures and attracts attention.

    The user receives a “bait” in the form of several basic tips. You can find out the full menu for every day of breakfast, lunch, dinner of the “Minus 60” system, detailed recommendations only by ordering the book. Small introductory fragments of books are available on the site, and not all of them.

    The opportunity to earn money is provided by a variety of “products” for the client. There are almost thirty books to choose from, including the basics of losing weight according to Ekaterina Mirimanova’s method, “Recipes for a slow cooker,” “Weight loss for men,” and so on. You can take express training on motivation, you can sign up for a webinar, the cost of which is six thousand rubles.

    Is it worth paying? Everyone has to answer this question for themselves. It is only important to understand that in this case the weight correction method was not developed by a professional; it is largely based on the personal opinion of the author and her understanding of the basic concepts of modern dietetics.

    There is, of course, a healthy grain in it. The “Minus 60” diet system calls for giving up sweets in the afternoon and paying attention to your diet. This alone will allow you to lose a few extra pounds. But you shouldn’t follow it blindly, eating cakes and sandwiches at breakfast and pure meat at dinner.