Open lesson in the second junior group on speech development. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group Open lesson on speech development junior group

Lesson on speech development in the second junior group
"Our Favorite Toys"


1. Develop the ability to listen attentively to speech, finish words and phrases.

2. Clarify, expand and generalize children’s ideas about toys.

3. Foster a caring attitude towards toys, develop the child’s emotional responsiveness.

There is a knock on the door and Mashenka comes in.

Mashenka: Hello. My name is Mashenka. I brought you a beautiful box.

Educator : Hello, Mashenka! Thank you! Where's your box?

Mashenka whispers in the teacher's ear.

Educator : What? Did you hide it? And where? Do we need to find her?

Educator (addresses the children): Guys, do you want to find the box?

Children : Yes!!!

Educator : Then let's look for her! And you, Mashenka, come and visit us.

The teacher and the children find a box.

Educator : Look how beautiful the box is. And here it says “For children who love and take care of their toys. (Signature) Mashenka.”

Educator : Thank you Mashenka!

Mashenka : What do you think is in it?

Children offer their own options.

Mashenka: You can see what's in it.

Educator : Now I’ll open the box and take out what’s in it. Want to see? Then sit comfortably on the carpet.

Educator : Our favorite toys are in the box! (shows the first toy) Who is this?

Children : Bear.

Educator : Do you like this toy?

Children : Yes!

Educator : Look what Mishka has?

Children : Eyes, ears, paws...

Educator : Do you know a poem about a bear?

Children recite the poems “Teddy bear”, “They dropped Teddy bear on the floor”

Educator : Do you think that if our Mishka’s paw was really torn off, he would smile?

Children : No.

Educator : Certainly! He would be offended. Does it happen that you get offended?

Children : Yes.

Educator : Show how offended you are.

Children show how offended they are

Educator : But we won’t offend Mishka?

Children : No.

Educator : Look, Mishka smiled at us! Let's smile back at him.

Children smile at Mishka.

Bear: I like to play the game “The bear was walking through the forest”» .Do you want to play with me?

Children : Yes!

Game “The bear walked through the forest”


The bear was walking through the forest

Teddy Bear was looking for everything

For a long, long time he searched

He sat down on a chair and dozed off.

The children stood up quietly

And they ran up to Mishutka.


Bear - Misha, get up!

Catch up with the kids!

Educator ( sits Mishka down ): Sit down, Mishka, relax.

Educator : I wonder what other toys are in this box.

The teacher shows the second toy.

Educator : Who is this?

Children : Bunny!

Educator : What does the bunny have?

Children : Long ears, short tail, fluffy fur...

Educator : Do you know a poem about a bunny?

Children recite the poem “The Bunny Was Abandoned by the Mistress.”

Educator : Oh, what a bad thing his owner did. He was probably completely frozen in the rain. Show how the bunny sat wet in the rain.

Children show.

Educator : Do you want to cheer up the bunny?

Children : Yes!

Educator : Let us all turn into hares now and play.

Game “The gray bunny is sitting”

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his paws.

This is how you need to warm your paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, he needs to warm his feet.

Jump, jump, jump, you need to warm up your feet.

Educator : Have you warmed up Bunny’s ears?

Children : Yes.

Educator : Have you warmed Bunny’s paws?

Children : Yes.

Educator : The bunny smiled! Let's promise him that we won't leave him and will be friends and play with him.

Educator (seats Bunny next to Mishka): Sit Bunny next to Mishka.

An audio recording of a rooster crows.

Educator : Who is this?

Children : Cockerel.

Educator : Let's praise the cockerel.

Children : You have a golden comb. Olive beard. You have a beautiful multi-colored tail. You have legs, and your legs have spurs.

Educator : Who will tell us a nursery rhyme about a cockerel?

Educator : In his family, the cockerel is the dad. Who's mom?

Children : Chicken.

Educator : And the kids?

Children : Chickens.

Educator : Let me be a mother chicken, and you will be my chicken babies.

Logorhythmics “Hen and Chicks”

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the kids - yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko

Don't go far.

Row with your paws, look for grains

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm,

We drank a full trough of water.

Where - where? Where - where?

Well, come on, come on, everyone here!

Well, come under your mother's wing!

Where - where did it take you?

Educator : Shall we promise the cockerel that we will love and take care of him?

Children : Yes.

Educator : Sit the cockerel next to other toys.

Educator : Here's another toy!

Children : Airplane.

Educator : Just like the real thing. It has (I show, the children call it) wings, a nose, wheels.

Do you know who flies the plane? (children's answers). The plane is controlled by a pilot.

What are the wheels on an airplane called? (children's answers). The wheels of an airplane are called landing gear.

Educator : Do you want to fly like airplanes?

Children : Yes.

Physical exercise “We put our hands in flight”

We put our hands in flight,

The result was an airplane.

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests

And then we'll go back to mom.

Educator : Who else was hiding in the box?

Children : Elephant.

Educator : He is not at all like other animal toys. Look what his ears are like. Big or small? What do you call an elephant's nose?

Children : Trunk.

Educator : And now I want to read you a poem. Want to?

Children : Yes.

It's time to sleep, the bull fell asleep,

Lay down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy Teddy bear went to bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

He nods his head -

He bows to the elephant.

Educator : Show the elephant how to sleep.

Children show how to sleep.

Educator : That's right, hands under the cheek, eyes closed.

The teacher puts the toys back in the box.

Educator : Our toys are a little tired. Let them sleep in the box for a while and then we will play with them. Do you remember what toys are in this box?

Children : Bear, Bunny, Cockerel, Airplane, Elephant.

Educator : Toys really like to play with you if you don’t hurt them, throw them away or forget them. How will you handle toys?

Children answer the question.

Educator : Now let’s say our magic words, how we will play together.

We'll play together

Don't offend anyone.

Mashenka: I believe that you will love toys and play with them carefully. I want to give you my toys.

End of form

Summary of an open lesson on speech development: “Dasha’s Journey” in the 2nd junior group (based on a Russian folk tale)

Integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, social and personal development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development - Help children correctly perceive the content of the journey, empathize with its heroes.
- stimulate children's active speech,
- encourage them to actively use words denoting the characteristics of objects,
- expand children's vocabulary;
- develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.
- consolidate the ability to correctly name animals and their young
- develop visual attention, spatial orientation skills;
- develop the ability to know and name colors;
- consolidate the count within three with the children.
- develop the ability to distinguish the mood of a person in a particular situation;
- develop skills of a friendly attitude towards peers.
- develop interest in joint activities with adults and peers,
- develop the ability to listen and hear the teacher.
- form ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and ways of behavior in them.
- improve fine motor skills of the fingers by drawing on semolina;
Equipment: Multi-colored scarves; Images of berries, trees, flowers; use of ICT; colored cardboard; semolina; markers; paper flowers blue, red, yellow (according to the number of children).
Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations; memorizing nursery rhymes and poems about berries; asking riddles; conversations on the topic “Who lives where”; did/game “Find an object of the same shape”, “Collect a flower”, “What color?”.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and greet the guests
Educator: Children, do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes.

Educator: What fairy tales do you know?
Children: “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Three Bears”, etc.
Educator: Today we will learn a story about Dasha, go on a journey, and in order to go, each child needs to choose the one he likes best from the colored scarves. This is how children “turn” into clouds and dance to the music.
- So, guys, let's turn into clouds and go on a journey. Children sit on the carpet. The teacher says: Once upon a time there was a girl, Dashenka. Once the girlfriends got together in the forest to pick berries. They came to invite Dashenka with them. The girl got ready and went into the forest.
- What trees grow in the forest? (illustrations depicting trees: birch, spruce.) Let's see what kind of trees these are. What do they have in common? (trunk, branches). What is the difference? (birch has leaves, spruce has needles)
- And now we are walking along the road, and we find ourselves in a meadow. Let's collect flowers. (children follow the teacher, physical education is held)
Together along the road we walk, walk, walk.
And we went out into the meadow, a thousand flowers around.
Our bright flowers are opening their petals.
The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.
Our bright flowers cover the petals.
They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep.
Educator: Children, look how many flowers there are in the meadow, but the wind scattered the petals across the meadow. What color is this petal? (yellow). Right. And this one? (blue). What about this one? (red). Let's pick some flowers. What color is this middle? (red). And this? (yellow). And this? (blue). Red petals should be placed in the middle of the same color. And to these centers (I’m pointing to the blue and yellow ones) place petals of the same color as the centers. Children complete the task.
Educator: Well done! We completed the task.
After admiring the beauty, the girls went into the forest and began picking berries.
- Guys, let's remember what berries we know (strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries) - children call berries.
On the easel: - Guys, let's count how many berries the girls picked?
- one two Three. How much in total? (3)
But Dashenka - tree by tree, bush by bush - and went far, far from her friends. She started calling around and calling them. But my girlfriends don’t respond, they don’t hear.
Dashenka walked and wandered through the forest - she got completely lost.
- Guys, what do you think Dasha’s mood was when she got lost (sad, gloomy, sad, terrible).
- Let's show her mood with paint and water.
(Children stand at the table. In front of each child there is a glass of clear water. The child dips a brush in dark paint and colors the water, thereby showing Mashenka’s gloomy mood). - Well done! (Children return to their seats and continue the journey)
She came along the path into the very wilderness, into the very thicket. He sees a hut standing there. Dashenka knocked on the door - they didn’t answer. She pushed the door, the door opened. Dashenka entered the hut and sat down on a bench by the window. She sat down and thought: “Who lives here?”
- Guys, let's remember what kind of path there is (narrow or wide, long or short).
- Let us depict the path along which Dashenka walked.
(Children stand at the table. In front of each child there is a sheet of white cardboard and felt-tip pens. Children draw a path with felt-tip pens.
And in that hut lived a huge bear. Only he wasn’t at home then: he was walking through the forest. The bear returned in the evening, saw Dashenka, and was delighted.
Dashenka began to ask the bear to take her home. There are forests all around, he doesn’t know which way to go. She baked pies in gratitude to the bear
- Guys, let’s try to make pies, but only with the help of semolina. (Children stand at the table. In front of each child there is a container with semolina. Children use their index finger to draw an oval-shaped pie on the semolina).
- Well done boys. What wonderful pies you made.
Dashenka and the bear got ready and went home
Dasha and the bear walk between the fir trees, wander between birch trees, go down into ravines, and up hills.
- Guys, let's show how Dashenka and the bear walk between the birches and fir trees.
They walked quickly and cheerfully. (At this time, cheerful, cheerful music plays and the children imitate the cheerful gait of a bear).
They walked and walked and got tired.
- Guys, how did they start walking when they were tired (slowly, with tired steps).
- Let's show tired Dashenka and the bear. (At this time, music is playing that shows the bear walking and the children pretend to be cheerful - fast, slow - tired). (continuation of the tale). We came to the village and found the house where Dashenka lives.
The bear said goodbye and went into the forest. - That's the end of the story. And for us guys, it’s time to return from the forest to the group. And when we return from the forest, we will stand in a circle. Let's smile at each other, take handkerchiefs and spin around. So we returned to the group.

Tanya Plotnikova


Activate children's speech in the game - dramatization, using words and expressions from fairy tales; learn to build role-playing dialogue, be able to coordinate your actions with the actions of other characters; enrich children's vocabulary;

- develop creative imagination, emotions and feelings;

To cultivate goodwill, sympathy for each other, interest and love for theatrical games.

Equipment: magnetic board, screen with a roof, pre-prepared cards for riddles, tape recorder (for musical accompaniment of heroes in fairy tale, flower, basket with book fairy tales, hero costumes fairy tales"Teremok".

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs, in costumes for fairy tales.

Organizing time.

Educator: - Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.

Educator: the children stood by the chairs, held hands and made a big circle. "Magic Flower"

V/d: -So we all stood in a circle, here it is fairy flower, here we are fairy garden, hello magical friend.

V/d: -There are many in the world there are fairy tales, you can’t count them all, you open the door for us open,V take us with you a fairy tale. The petals flew, and we sat down on the chairs quietly.

Educator: - Guys, they sent us a magic basket from the forest

Educator: - What is in this basket?

Children: - Book.

Educator: - And in our book fairy tales interesting, interesting, but to get into the world fairy tales, you and I will make a journey, the road will be long, difficult, and before the road we need to refresh ourselves.

Educator: facial gymnastics.

Fat grandchildren came to visit (puff out cheeks)

With them thin, skin and bones (pull in cheeks)

Grandparents smiled at everyone (smiled)

We reached out to kiss them all (kiss lips)

Let's purse our lips and rinse our mouths

And the samovar puffs as hard as it can (puff out our cheeks and let out air)

We’ll set up saucers and they’ll serve us pancakes. (take out tongue)

Chew the pancake, roll it up and bite it

The breakfast was delicious, we licked our lips.


Refresh yourself, well done.

Solving riddles:


The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden, he lives in the forest in the village and steals chickens - this (Fox)

In winter it sleeps, in summer it turns up the hives - this (Bear)

Anyone who is cold in winter and goes hungry is (Wolf)

A white collar is jumping straight across the field - this is (Hare)

In the summer in the swamp you will find it, the green frog is (Frog)

Educator: - Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. Let's move on.

Guys, and in fabulous miracles happen in the forest on the road (Stand in a circle)

V/D: -We were guys, we became little mice (in a circle like mice pee-wee)

We were little mice, we became little frogs (sit down, jump qua-qua)

We were frogs, we became bunnies (jump)

We were bunnies, we became foxes (quietly on tiptoes, hands in front of chest, showing fluffy tail)

We were fox cubs, we became wolf cubs (arms outstretched, clap - clap)

We were wolf cubs, we became bear cubs (we shift from foot to foot)

We were cubs, we became guys (sat on chairs)

Educator: - Where do all the animals live?

Children: - In the forest.

Educator: - What kind of animals are these?

Children: - Wild.

Educator: - Why are they wild?

Children: - They live in the forest.

Educator: - Guys, from which one? fairy tales did all these heroes come? Summarizes all the characters on a magnetic board (mouse, fox, hare, wolf, frog, bear).

Children: - Teremok.

Educator: - Let us remember, we'll tell you and show you. Fairy tale"Teremok" begins (musical accompaniment for each hero’s appearance).

Educator: - Guys, who was the first to find the tower?

Children: - Mouse.

Educator: - Who is the last?

Children: - Bear.

Educator: - Guys, why did they invite everyone to live in the mansion?

Children: - kind, hospitable, good, friendly.

Educator: - Guys, how did the bear act, good or bad?

Children: - Badly.

Educator: - Guys, did the bear correct his mistake?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - You and I have completed all the tasks.

Guys, let's build our own mansion (hold hands)

Educator: - There is a tower in an open field, it is not low (sit down)

Not tall (get up)

Different animals lived there, lived together (the circle closes, we unite) don't bother

There is a mouse, there is a frog, a bunny with a fox friend, there is a wolf clicking his teeth, they knew a lot about friendship (we walk in a circle,

The bear is clubfooted, he crushed the tower with his huge paw (clench your hands into a fist and knock fist on fist)

The animals were very scared and ran away quickly (on chairs)

And then they gathered again to build a new mansion (around, by the hands, hands raised up)

Educator: - You and I will be friendly, kind and good.

Educator: - (Children stood in a circle) Here we are in visited a fairy tale, we learned, played and helped the heroes and completed tasks, let’s say together - Goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

“How a mouse got to know winter.” Lesson on speech development (speech sound culture) in the second junior group“How a mouse got to know winter.” Lesson on speech development (speech sound culture) in the second junior group. Educational area: “Cognition”.

Summary of a lesson on speech development with the second junior group “Journey to a Fairy Tale” Goal: To activate and enrich motor experience. Objectives: Educational: to develop children’s ability to correctly construct an answer to a question.

ECD for speech development in the second junior group “Journey to a Fairy Tale” NOD FOR SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN THE SECOND JUNIOR GROUP “JOURNEY TO A FAIRY TALE” program content: teach children to pronounce role-playing dialogues.

Open lesson on speech development with elements of ecology in the second junior group “In the Poultry Yard” An open lesson on speech development with elements of ecology in the second junior group “In the Poultry Yard” Goal: To educate children’s cognitive skills.

Open lesson on speech development in the first junior group “Journey to the land of toy pets and birds” Objectives: To develop children’s speech and fine motor skills, to clarify their understanding of domestic animals, their appearance and nutrition. Nurture goodness.

Open lesson on speech development in the junior group “Journey to the autumn forest” Topic “Journey to the autumn forest” Objectives: 1) to train children in the correct use of spatial prepositions IN, UNDER, BEFORE, in speech.

Open lesson on speech development in the younger group for the “Teacher of the Year” competition Summary of an open lesson on speech development with elements of folklore in the junior group “Visiting the Horned Goat” Compiled by the teacher.

Open lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Pets and their cubs” Samara region, Novokuibyshevsk, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 19, s/p "Kindergarten "Aist" Open lesson on speech development in the second junior group "Home.

Open lesson on speech development in the second junior group Journey to the fairy tale “Teremok” Educational area: Speech development Topic of the lesson: Journey into a fairy tale. Purpose of the lesson: Development of speech activity in primary preschool children.

Open lesson in the senior group on social and communicative development “Let's tell Shapoklyak about friendship” V.: Guys, look, they sent us a letter. Who do you think it's from? (shows a drawing on the envelope depicting the old woman Shapoklyak).

Image library:

Municipal educational institution

"Kukui Education Center"

structural unit Kukui kindergarten





Educator: Grebenyuk

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Kukuy village, 2017

Purpose of the lesson: promote the development of speech, its understanding, and activate the vocabulary.


- educational: learn to recognize and name vegetables (turnip, cucumber, tomato, carrot); looking at them, name the colors (yellow, green, red), shape (round, long); give an idea of ​​where vegetables are grown; continue to enrich the listener’s experience through works of folk art, promote children’s perception and understanding of the text of a folk song;

- developing: develop the ability to listen to the teacher and answer questions; develop involuntary memory, thinking, fine and gross motor skills; develop survey and analysis abilities;

- speech: enrich and clarify the vocabulary on the topic, promote its activation; develop the ability and stimulate the desire to come into contact with others, express your thoughts, feelings, impressions using verbal means;

- educational: cultivate a desire to work and help grandma; Encourage children to use a friendly, calm tone of communication with adults and peers, induce a joyful mood in children.

Type of lesson: mastering new knowledge.

Lesson form: cognitive-speech.

Duration: 15 minutes.

Participants: children of the second younger group, teacher.

Age of students: 3-4 years.

Equipment and materials: a basket with natural vegetables (turnip, cucumber, tomato, carrot), a bowl of pancakes, a spoon, a cup, an empty plate and a plate with chopped pieces of vegetables, napkins, a scarf, a skirt, glasses.

Preliminary preparation: game-conversation on the topic “Vegetable garden”, looking at subject pictures (Appendix 1); didactic games: “Find all the vegetables” (Appendix 2), “Cut pictures” (Appendix 3).

Methods and techniques for working with children:

Artistic word;

Game “Guess by taste”;

Treating children to pancakes.

Lesson structure:

- surprise moment “Grandma’s gifts”;

Examination of grandmother's gifts - vegetables;

Physical education lesson “We walked between the beds”;

Game “Guess by taste”;

Conversation on the content of the song;

11 minutes


Reflection “Where have we been?”;

Treating children to pancakes

2 minutes

Progress of the lesson:

Preparatory stage:

Educator: Children, do you like to visit? (children's answers). Let’s go visit you today too, but let’s not go to visit, but fly like birds. To do this, you need to close your eyes and spread your wings, and now let's fly! (children “flapping their wings”, the teacher puts a scarf, a long skirt, glasses on his head, takes a basket in his hand).

“We fly above the clouds, touch them with our hands,

We flew around, marveled - we found ourselves visiting my grandmother!”

Main stage:

Educator: That's it, we've arrived! We open our eyes. Who did you fly to, kids?

Children: To grandma (individual answers).

Grandmother: And the grandmother is old, the grandmother is kind, she loves all her grandchildren, she cares for everyone (she pats the children on the head).

In the grandmother’s hands is a basket covered with a napkin.

Grandmother: Children, I just came from the garden and there is a harvest in my basket, do you want to see what has grown in the beds?

Children: Yes, we want!

Grandmother (takes out a turnip): What is this? (children's answers).

Grandmother: What kind of turnip? (Matvey, Nastya).

Children: The turnip is round (circle with your finger one at a time).

Grandmother: What color? (children's answers).

Grandmother: That's right, children, the turnip is round and yellow (placed on a plate).

Grandmother (takes out a cucumber): What is this? (children's answers).

Grandmother: What cucumber? (Artem, Andrey).

Children: Long cucumber (circle one finger at a time).


Grandmother: That's right, children, the cucumber is long and green (placed on the plate next to the turnip).

Grandmother: What else is there in this basket? (takes out a tomato).

Grandmother: What is this? (children's answers).

Grandmother: What kind of tomato? (Sasha, Angelina).

Children: The tomato is round (circle with your finger one at a time).

Grandmother: What color is it? (children's answers).

Grandmother: That's right, children, the tomato is round and red (placed on the plate next to the turnip and cucumber).

Grandmother: Let's see what's left at the bottom of my basket?

Grandmother (takes out carrots): What is this? (children's answers).

Grandmother: What kind of carrot? (Nastya, Pasha).

Children: Long carrots (circle one finger at a time).

Grandmother: What color is it? (children's answers).

Grandmother: That's right, children, carrots are long and red (placed on a plate next to other vegetables). Look, children, what a beautiful harvest lies on our plate! Nastya (Pasha, Matvey, Angelina), what is on the plate? (children's answers).

Grandmother: Grandmother collected it, and you children know how to harvest? Let's show how it's done.

Physical education minute:

They walked and walked between the beds,

We found cucumbers (children hold hands and walk in a circle)

Collected, collected (bending over - imitation of picking cucumbers)

Found tomatoes

Collected, collected (stretching arms forward “for tomatoes”)

That's how much we got! (straightened up and stretched)

They walked and walked between the beds (children walk in a circle)

And they found carrots (squats)

Collected, collected (imitation of collecting carrots)

That's how much we got! (straightened up and stretched)

They walked and walked between the beds (children hold hands and walk in a circle)

We came to grandma again!

Grandmother: Well done, they did a great job helping grandma! Tell me, Andrey (Artem, Sasha), where did we harvest? (children's answers).

Grandmother: That's right, in the garden. We've worked, we're tired! Now let's relax and play the game “Find out by taste” (Appendix 4.).

Grandmother: Oh, what a great fellow, we had fun playing and guessed everything correctly! It’s so good that you flew to me today, I just baked pancakes today. I’ll sing you a song about them now, and you listen carefully:

Okay, okay,

Grandma baked pancakes

I poured oil on it,

I gave it to the kids.

Masha is two, Pasha is two,

Tanya - two, Vanya - two,

The pancakes are good

Our grandmother's!

Grandmother, while singing a song, performs game actions corresponding to the text, using a set of dishes.

Grandmother: Tell me, children, what did grandma do? (Nastya, Pasha).

Grandmother: Who did I bake pancakes for? (Angelina, Matvey).

Grandmother: What did grandma pour on the pancakes? (Andrey, Sasha, Nastya).

Grandmother: That's right, kids, well done! And now I will sing a song, and you help me.

Repeated singing of the song (children clap their hands, turn in one direction or the other, as if handing out pancakes).

Grandmother: Well done, my grandchildren! Thank you, a hundred came to visit me, made my grandmother happy, and now it’s time for you to go to kindergarten - close your eyes and fly:

We fly above the clouds, touch them with our hands,

We fly past a river and a forest – it’s full of miracles!

We flew around, marveled - we found ourselves in a kindergarten!

The final stage:

Children with closed eyes flap their “wings”, and the grandmother “turns into a teacher.”

Grandmother: That's it, we've arrived! We open our eyes.

Educator: Children, where have you been? What did you saw? What they were doing? – children’s individual responses.

Educator: Grandma loves you all very much and asks you to treat you to delicious pancakes, eat to your health!

Educator (treats all the children, saying):

Masha - two, Pasha - two).


    Complex classes in the second junior group of kindergarten, Bondarenko T. M.: A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. – Voronezh: Uchitel Publishing House, 2006 – 272 p.

    Complex classes according to the program edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. Second junior group / author-comp. T. V. Kovrigina, M. V. Kosyanenko, O. V. Pavlova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 234 p.

    Comprehensive planning in a group of children 3-4 years old. Project “I myself. We are together”/ed.-comp. S. N. Pisarenko. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. – 117 p.

    Poems and riddles for kids “Riddles from the garden”, Nizhny Vladimir. – Publishing house “Litur”, 2006.

Annex 1.

Game-conversation on the topic “Vegetable garden”.

Target: tell children why people need vegetables, consolidate knowledge about the types of vegetables.

Progress of the lesson: invite children to take a trip through the magical garden, see what grows in it and play the game “What grows in the garden?” The teacher asks riddles, and the children find the answer to the picture:

    She is being pulled by a grandmother and granddaughter,

Cat, grandfather and mouse with granddaughter.

    No windows, no doors

The room is full of people.

    The girl is sitting in prison,

And the braid is on the street.

    Red-cheeked round vegetable -

He can help any housewife!

And tomato for a long time

They call….

Clarify how all these items can be called in one word and why a person needs them.

Praise the children.

Appendix 2.

Didactic game "Find all the vegetables."

Target: correctly convey the appearance of vegetables, develop visual perception.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the child to show, name and describe only the vegetables shown in the picture.

(Appendix 3.)

Didactic game "Cut pictures".

Target: to form in children ideas about the holistic image of an object, to teach them to correlate the image of the idea with the holistic image of a real object, to fold a picture cut into 3-4 parts. Act by applying. To cultivate in children attention, perseverance, and perseverance in completing the assigned task.

Progress of the game: The teacher places in front of the child a picture cut into 3-4 parts. Gives the child time to look at the parts, then asks “what do you think is in the picture?” Then shows the child a whole picture depicting this object. Asks the child to assemble a whole picture from parts.

(Appendix 4.)

Didactic game "Guess by taste."

Goal: to train children in distinguishing vegetables by taste, to develop memory and concentration.

Progress of the game: children sit on chairs with their eyes closed. The teacher approaches the child one by one and gives a piece of vegetable: turnip, cucumber, tomato, cucumber. He asks to taste the vegetable and name it.

The teacher may unexpectedly give a piece of fruit: an apple, a banana, etc., so that the children are attentive enough.

Topic: “How we helped cure the bunny.”

Target: develop children's speech activity.

Continue learning to compose a short, coherent story together with the teacher. Foster humane feelings: sympathy, care, desire to help.


Toys hare, bear, doctor Aibolit, piece of white fur, musical aid for physical education. minutes.

Preliminary work: S/r. game “Hospital”, reading the work of Korney Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”.

Part 1.

Progress of the lesson. Children enter the group and sit on chairs. The teacher notices white fur.

Guys, look, this is probably the fox that lost fur from its coat? (children's guesses as to whose fur this could be)

I'm worried, guys, if something happened to the bunny. Let's look for him (the children call in unison and look for the bunny in the group)

The bunny is crying, his paw hurts. Let's calm him down, say a kind word in his ear.

How can you help him? Yes, guys, let's take him to Dr. Aibolit.

A bear appears.

Who are these guys? Is he good or evil, what do you think?

What is he doing in the forest? (children's answers).

Guys, let's walk like bears (children get up and follow the teacher like a train, imitating the gait of a bear)

The clumsy, clumsy bears love to eat honey and berries. Now we go around the bush, we go to the raspberries, we bend down for a berry. We sat near a tree and wandered on.

Bear, show us the way to Doctor Aibolit.

We find Aibolit's house. Hello.

We walked to you for a long time, walked and... (came). They carried the bunny, carried it and... (brought it).

What a good Doctor Aibolit treats animals and birds.

Aibolit has so many tools. And without what can he not treat animals? (no syringe, no thermometer, no pills, no bandage, no cotton wool, no drops, no vitamins, children’s answers).

Doctor Aibolit, our bunny is sick. Help him please.

How did this happen? Tell me.

Let's tell the doctor what happened to the bunny. How can you start a story? (one day, one day)

The teacher begins: Once upon a time... And suddenly... The children continue.

After the children's story, Aibolit treats the bunny.

The teacher reads out an excerpt from the work

They brought him a bunny,

So sick, lame,

And the doctor sewed his legs.

And the bunny jumps again.

And with him the mother hare

I also went dancing.

And she laughs and shouts:

“Well, thank you, Aibolit!”

The bunny was sad, but became... (cheerful, joyful, healthy answers from children).

Part 2.

Guys, do you want to play? Let's play hide and seek. Let the bunny hide, and we will look for him (Children close their eyes, and the hare hides on a shelf, under a table, in a basket).

Children find and explain where the hare hid, where they found it (similarly to the bear).

And now it’s time to take our little animals to their mother in the forest, where they have been waiting for them for a long time.

A hare with...hares, a squirrel with...squirrels, a hedgehog with...hedgehogs. And a bear with... a bear cub is waiting for the bear (the children continue the phrase). Children say goodbye to the bear and the bunny.