Why do flakes appear on the head? Dandruff: causes, prevention, treatment Dandruff flakes causes and treatment

Dandruff treatment

Dandruff is a big aesthetic problem that many people of different nationalities face. Almost 50% of the inhabitants of Asia, Europe, Africa and the East suffer from profuse flaking of the scalp. Therefore, it is so important to understand “what it is and how to deal with it”.

How dandruff forms

Most people develop dandruff as they reach puberty (If you notice dandruff in a child before puberty, we advise you to see your doctor right away, it may indicate a more serious condition). During puberty, the body begins to produce much more testosterone. This hormone affects hair growth and can also have a negative effect on sebum production. Sebum is a fatty substance that protects our head from microorganisms. However, one organism has adapted to live off sebum (a fungus like Malassezia). This microorganism produces oleic acid which penetrates the scalp, irritates the upper layer, and this leads to an increase in the turnover of skin cells.

As we all know, our skin consists of flat dead cells that form in the basal layer of the epidermis and slowly move to the surface of the skin (due to the fact that new cells are born under them, which displace old ones). During this time, they dry out, become flat and keratinized (transparent, thin, invisible to the eye). From the skin, the remnants of cells fly off upon contact with clothing or during bathing. The entire renewal period lasts approximately 25-30 days.

But if the cycle is shortened to 7-10 days, the cells do not have time to dry out (a large amount of water remains in them) and therefore become sticky. When they approach the surface of the skin, they clump together and form noticeable white flakes or lumps that can be itchy. At the same time, the scalp should not have redness, inflammation or bleeding.

Types of dandruff

There are two types of dandruff, depending on the type of scalp:

Dry dandruff- appears as a result of insufficient hydration of the scalp, reduced sebum secretion. Scales cover almost all of the scalp and hair. The appearance of this type of dandruff is associated with the activation of the fungus, which, with good immunity, behaves calmly. However, if you break the diet, increase the mental and physical stress, the fungus is activated. As a result, the exfoliation process is accelerated and a mass of flakes is formed, the number of which becomes noticeable. At the same time, the scales are easily separated, fall on clothes, and contaminate the hair. Signs are: dry, brittle, thin hair with split ends.

Oily dandruff- appears as a result of the highly active work of the sebaceous glands. Because of the sebum on the head, a sticky, greasy film forms that does not allow air to pass through, closes pores, causes itching and irritates nerve endings. Keratinized cells stick to each other, forming large flakes saturated with fat, they practically do not peel off, but adhere tightly to the scalp.

Oily dandruff is divided into 2 more types: thick and liquid. At thick oily dandruff the elasticity of the skin becomes denser and decreases, the orifices of the sebaceous glands expand. The rejected epithelium, saturated with sebum, clogs the excretory duct of the sebaceous glands and a comedone is formed - a horny plug. When it is squeezed, a thick greasy mass is released. It was also noticed that in case of illness thick oily seborrhea hair becomes coarse and coarse.

At liquid oily dandruff the skin shines and resembles an orange peel (the pores are wide open), sebum is released in large quantities from the sebaceous glands. The hair is very oily and stuck together in strands, as if it had been oiled and covered with yellowish scales that fit tightly together. Ulcers may appear on the scalp due to the fact that the sebaceous secretion changes its chemical properties, losing its sterilizing function.

Such a division is necessary to prescribe the correct treatment, since the reasons for the appearance of each type are different.


1. Mushrooms of the genus Malassezia... Many experts point out that the main cause of dandruff is the yeast fungi of the genus Malassezia, which actively cover the entire human skin, especially the scalp. These fungi are classified as lipophilic microorganisms that feed on sebum. Under normal health conditions, fungi do not betray their presence and do not cause any discomfort. But with any failure in the body, they begin to multiply actively, causing inflammation and itching. An excess of them leads to an acceleration of the process of skin renewal, which in turn leads to the formation of dandruff.

The reasons for the rapid growth of strokes are still unknown, but it is known why a large amount of fat is formed, in which they actively reproduce:

- Chronic metabolic disorder, leads to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands (seborrhea) or infection by a fungus, and more often both at the same time

- Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. This is due to an imbalance between androgens (male hormones) and estrogens (female hormones) towards the former,

- Stress

- Poor nutrition and eating a lot of sugary and fatty foods

- Problems with digestion, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

- Chronic infections, broncho-pulmonary diseases

- Decreased immunity

- Vitamin deficiency (especially A, C, B, Zn (zinc))

- Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease;

- Hypersensitivity to fungi. People who are hypersensitive to fungi are more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis... Many noted that their condition improved during the warmer months and worsened during the winter. The reason is the lack of sun, which destroys fungi.

2. Dry scalp... One of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff, especially in winter, when it is frosty outside and dry air in apartments. The flakes that appear for this reason are usually small and less greasy. Other parts of the body are likely to show signs of dryness, such as the arms or legs.

3. Hereditary predisposition(features of the structure of the skin and its secretion).

4. Allergic reaction to hats, or rather, on the material from which they are sewn (most often on cheap synthetics).

5. Improper hair care:

- You rarely wash your hair. If you don't wash your hair regularly, oils and scalp cells can build up, causing dandruff.

- Sensitivity to hair care products - contact dermatitis... Sometimes sensitivity to certain ingredients or hair dyes, especially paraphenylene diamine(PPD), may cause redness, itching, flaking of the scalp.

- Frequent hair coloring and perm

- If you do not wear a hat during the cold season, or if you wear it for a long time indoors, the microflora of the scalp changes.

- Washing your hair too often or using a lot of styling products (varnishes, gels, etc.) can also irritate the scalp, causing dandruff.

6. Certain skin conditions... Such as psoriasis, eczema, can cause dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis- a more serious disease than just dandruff, dandruff is observed on the skin, but at the same time, the skin is oily, reddened, irritated. The cause of its appearance is the fungus Malassezia furfur. It affects not only the scalp, but also other parts of the body where there are a large number of sebaceous glands, such as the eyebrows, on the sides of the nose and behind the ears, under the breasts, in the groin, and sometimes in the armpits. Psoriasis... This skin disorder causes an accumulation of dead cells that form thick, rough scales that usually appear on the knees, elbows, and torso, but sometimes on the head. It is very difficult to distinguish it from seborrheic dermatitis. Eczema... If you have this disease on any part of the body, then it can appear on the scalp, leading to the development of dandruff.

8. Some other reasons- after a heart attack, stroke, chemotherapy.

HIV - A study found that 10.6% of people with HIV have dandruff, which is associated with a weakened immune system.

9. Diet- Some experts argue that people who do not consume enough foods containing zinc, B vitamins and certain types of fats are more prone to dandruff.

10. Smoking and alcohol, have a negative effect on metabolism, the violation of which leads to the development of the fungus.

Dandruff diagnostics

In order to understand that you have dandruff, you do not need to see a doctor. You can do it yourself. If you see the characteristic white flakes on your scalp, then you have dandruff.

With self-treatment, if within 2 weeks the condition does not improve, or if there are initially red swollen spots on the head, then you should consult a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will determine the disease by looking at the scalp; tests are usually not required for this. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will examine the redness, color, and extent of the scalp lesion. Which will help to exclude other scalp diseases. During the examination, you should tell the doctor how you looked after your hair and what styling products you used. The doctor will also be able to determine if there is a fungal infection (such as ringworm). For more confidence, skin and hair samples may be sent to a laboratory for testing.

But it can be misdiagnosed because the symptoms of dandruff are similar to other diseases.

How to distinguish dandruff from other conditions

In order to understand whether it is dandruff, or another skin disease, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main distinguishing features of other diseases. Dermatitis- This is a replenishment of the scalp, which is manifested by redness and flaking. Itching may appear at an early stage. Seborrheic eczema- This is a chronic dermatosis, which is accompanied by redness of the scalp, body, face (behind the ears). The disease intensifies in any illness and during a period of stress, and then fades out again. Most commonly seen in older people. Psoriasis- this disease appears not only on the head, but also on the knees, elbows. Silvery scales may form on the scalp, itching, redness with a clear outline appears. Hair may begin to fall out. The disease progresses with stress. Microsporia Is a fungal infection that is contagious and can be spread from person to person. Pink scaly spots with a clear outline appear on the scalp, hair begins to fall out in the lesion.

Dandruff facts

- dandruff is not contagious, meaning it is not transmitted or contagious

- rarely appears in children;

- most often begins in adolescence due to hormones;

- the opinion that dandruff is more common in men than in women is not true. Men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 suffering from dandruff are approximately the same;

- people after 50 years almost do not suffer from dandruff.

- there is no connection between climate and dandruff, as people encounter dandruff in hot and cold countries, with dry and humid climates.

- if you have dandruff, it means that there is a fungus on the head, but not the fact that this is the main reason for the exfoliation of cells, the fungus develops as a result of a violation in the body.

- visually looks like white flakes;

- if there is dandruff, an increase in cell turnover is observed;

Is a cosmetic problem, not a medical one;

- amenable to correction, treatment.


For successful treatment, it is necessary to determine the true cause of dandruff. If it is not possible to establish a pathological process that has a negative effect, then the first thing to do is to adjust the daily regimen and change the means for caring for the scalp and hair. Below are the recommendations that should be followed during treatment.

1. Brush your hair gently and gently before washing. Already this will reduce the appearance of dandruff, especially for moderate to mild disease.

2. Do not rub, scratch or scratch your head too much, this can aggravate the appearance of dandruff.

3. Use soft water for rinsing and washing.

4. Wash your hair as it gets dirty.

5. It is better not to use a hair dryer for drying.

6. If you use styling products, remember to rinse them off overnight.

7. Do not keep washed hair under a towel for a long time.

8. Do a head massage once a week.

9. For frequent shampooing, use an appropriate shampoo.

10. Disinfect the comb during treatment. It is also advisable to disinfect or change a hat, cap and other hats.

11. Limit the consumption of fried, spicy and fatty foods.

12. Include in the diet foods rich in B vitamins and fiber.

13. In case of imbalance in the water balance, consume more water (tea, mineral water, fruit drinks).

14. Use a natural wood comb and change it every 2-3 months, as wood absorbs grease well.

15. Use hair care products that contain antifungal ingredients. Treatment programs that include shampoo and lotion are very effective. The shampoo helps in the fight against fungus, and the lotion exfoliates existing dandruff, heals and additionally nourishes the scalp.

17. If you have diseases that lead to the appearance of dandruff, and medical cosmetics do not help to cope with it, it is recommended to take a course of physiotherapy.

How to treat dandruff

For the treatment of dandruff, antifungal agents in the form of shampoos and lotions are used primarily. But if you use only shampoos without internal therapy, you can not wait for the desired result. Therefore, proper nutrition, treatment of endocrine diseases, pathology of the digestive tract, elimination of foci of chronic infection (chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth, sinusitis, etc.)

If dandruff is caused by a food allergy, eliminate foods that may trigger the allergy from your diet and take antihistamines (antiallergic drugs).

With excessive activity of the sebaceous glands (a problem with a hereditary predisposition), the drug methionine is used.

For the treatment of oily seborrhea, antiandrogenic drugs may be prescribed, which reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. One of these drugs is Diane-35, but it is used only as directed by a doctor.

Vitamins and Supplements for Dandruff Treatment

To increase immunity and normalize metabolic processes, vitamins are used, and dietary supplements containing selenium, zinc, sulfur.

Essential fatty acids;

Vitamin E (80-120 IU per day)

Vitamin B6 (6 mg per day);

Vitamin B12 (9 mcg per day);

Niacin (1000 mg per day)

Vitamin A, "Aevit" (10,000 IU per day);

- "Selenium-Spirulina" (1-2 capsules per day);

Amino acid complexes;

Lecithin, (1200 mg per day);

Flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon per day);

Bioflavonones (100 mg);

Immunomodulators (honey, pollen, royal jelly, lycopid, echinacea).

- "Beta-carotene" (1-2 capsules per day) /

You can find many vitamin complexes in pharmacies. The most effective are:

- Multi-tabs Intensive,

- Nutrilite,

- Supradin,

- Vitrum,

- Centrum,

- Leveton forte.

Dandruff drugs

For the treatment of dandruff, it is necessary to use substances that have an antimicrobial effect, that is, they stop the growth of microbes (cytostatic effect), facilitate the removal of scales from the skin (exfoliating or keratolytic effect) and normalize peeling processes (reducing effect). Antimicrobial and antifungal action provide zinc pyrithione, ketaconazole, climbazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, piroctone olamine. Antimicrobial and cytostatic - selenium disulfide, cyclopirox. Cytostatic and kerato-reducing - tar. Exfoliating - salicylic acid, sulfur.

Active ingredients used to treat dandruff

Zinc pyrithione(for example Selsun Salon, Head & Shoulders) inhibits the growth of fungi due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, slows down the process of renewal of scalp cells.

Coal tar or tar(for example, Neutrogena T / Gel) help to get rid of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis by normalizing the process of cell renewal and slowing down cell shedding. Also has bactericidal and antimicrobial properties. Eliminates itching, redness and flaking

Salicylic acid and sulfur(Sebulex, Ionil T, Fostex and Vanseb) helps to dry up dandruff flakes and make them invisible, but this can lead to excessive dryness of the scalp and even more flaking due to suppression of secretions from sweat and sebaceous glands. Therefore, use conditioner after washing your hair.

Ketoconazole("Nizoral", "Keto plus", "Dermazole", "Sebozol", "Kenazol") is a drug of the azole group; a broad spectrum antifungal agent that inhibits the growth of fungi. The first improvements are noticeable after 7 days. Helps where many remedies are powerless. In addition, it does not have a systemic effect on the body, that is, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, unlike climbazole.

Climbazole has antifungal and antibacterial effect. Suppresses the growth of fungi, fights dandruff. The drug is effective against fungi that are resistant to other drugs.

Cyclopirox one of the best dandruff remedies that has a fungicidal effect. It takes effect within 3 minutes after application.

Clotrimazole- also applies to antifungal drugs. It violates the integrity of the fungal membrane and disrupts the synthesis of ergosterol, due to which clotrimazole has a bactericidal effect.

Miconazole- has antifungal and antibacterial effect. It helps to restore the balance of the microflora of the scalp.

Bifonazole(Bifon Lotion) is a highly effective antifungal drug used to treat dandruff. Fungi do not develop resistance to it and their sensitivity does not decrease. Quickly removes all unpleasant symptoms of the disease: itching, dryness, peeling, tightness of the skin.

Piroctone Olamine or Octopyrod(Cosmelitte Profesional) - removes both dry and oily dandruff. It helps to normalize the rate of renewal and the life cycle of scalp cells, and also inhibits microbial activity.

Ichthyol("Fitolit") - has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, local anesthetic effect due to the content of organically bound sulfur. Normalizes the cycle of skin cell renewal.

Selenium sulfide(for example, Sulsen) - has anti-fungal properties. It slows down cell renewal and reduces the activity of the Malassezia fungus, by suppressing its reproduction. This substance can discolor light, gray or chemically colored hair, so use it only as directed and rinse your hair well after washing.

Physiotherapy for dandruff treatment

Cryomassage this procedure is based on the effect of low temperatures on the scalp. The procedure is carried out as follows: the hair is divided into partings and the skin is carefully treated with cotton swabs, which are dipped in liquid nitrogen. The duration of the course is ten procedures. Thanks to the procedure, the vessels of the scalp are successively compressed and then expanded, contributing to the improvement of microcirculation and nutrition of the hair follicles. Also, as a result of exposure to low temperatures, the protective functions of the body and immunity are strengthened, the endocrine system is stimulated, metabolic processes are activated. As a result of increased immunity, the activity of the fungi that cause dandruff is blocked. In addition, after cryomassage, medicinal preparations are better absorbed. But choosing a specialist who will carry out the procedure should be done carefully, as liquid nitrogen can burn the scalp. If you feel a burning sensation during cryomassage, inform your doctor. The procedure is recommended to take place in late autumn and early spring, when the immune system is especially weakened. Warning: the entire course of treatment should not be more than 10 procedures, if you do more, liquid nitrogen dries out the skin, which makes the sebaceous glands work more actively, the pores become clogged due to this, and as a result, you have dandruff again, so it is better to repeat the course of treatment through month.

Darsonvalization scalp using a scallop vacuum electrode. The procedure is carried out as follows: the comb electrode is smoothly and slowly moved over the head from the forehead to the back of the head, and if the hair is short, then the procedure can be carried out in the opposite direction. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. The course is 10-15 procedures. There is a change in the physical and chemical processes in tissues, an improvement in blood circulation and metabolic processes. Helps cleanse the scalp from dandruff flakes, heal scratches and wounds. Decreases sebum production. Toki Darsonval also has a calming effect on the central nervous system, which also contributes to its treatment, since this disease is also a psychological problem. In addition, the absorption capacity of the skin increases, therefore, after the procedure, a therapeutic lotion or balm for dandruff is rubbed into the scalp.

Dandruff prevention

I would like to note that taking preventive measures is much easier and cheaper than treating dandruff. Prevention is especially necessary for people who are at risk. Prevention before, will allow you to get rid of treatment after .

1. sunlight can help get rid of dandruff. But remember that you cannot stay in the sun for a long time, this can lead to skin diseases. It is enough to stay in the sun for only a few minutes and at the same time protect the rest of the body with clothing and sunscreen.

Another warning: Some anti-dandruff drugs that contain tar can increase the scalp's sensitivity to UV light. Therefore, carefully read the instructions to see if there are any contraindications.

2. Increase in air humidity ... It is believed that a decrease in humidity in the air (both outdoors and indoors) in winter can lead to dry skin, which in turn can lead to dandruff.

One of the easiest ways to increase humidity is to buy a humidifier. Ideally, a humidifier should be present in all living rooms. The humidifier must be carefully looked after so that it does not cause the growth of bacteria and mold.

3. Less stress ... Many experts believe that stress can cause dandruff or make it worse. But as everyone knows, reducing stress is easier said than done. Here are some tips:

- Work on a positive attitude.

- Learn to manage time.

- Use breathing and meditation techniques.

- Spend more time on hobbies and leisure.

- Maintain physical activity.

- Avoid excessive consumption of sugar and caffeine.

- Seek support from friends, relatives, spiritual mentors.

4. Diet food ... Diet has a big impact on skin and hair health. Therefore, to prevent dandruff, eat foods that contain zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and vitamins. Zinc: Oysters, red meat, poultry, legumes, nuts, crabs, lobsters, whole grains, dairy products and fortified cereals. Omega-3 fatty acids: Cold water fish such as salmon and halibut, walnuts, flaxseed, canola oil, broccoli, beans, spinach, grapes, cauliflower, kiwi and melons. Vitamins: Eggs, fish, milk, whole grain breads, legumes, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, and lean beef.

To prevent dry skin drink more water and eat more fruits.

5.Limit hair styling products ... All hair styling products (sprays, lotions, creams and gels) help create hairstyles, but they can also cause dandruff. These products can build up on the scalp and can lead to oily and sensitive scalp, resulting in itching and flaking.

If you cannot completely abandon styling products, then reduce their amount to a minimum and be sure to wash your hair before going to bed. If you are prone to dandruff, try washing your hair every day to prevent dandruff.

6. Better not use other people's hygiene products and hats.

7. For prophylaxis, once every 2 weeks wash your comb with shampoo or soap. If you are using a wooden comb, it must be replaced after 2 months.

8. The head should not be wet too long , as high humidity promotes the growth of the fungus.

9. A very good remedy for the prevention of dandruff is raw egg shampoo ... To prepare it, take 2-3 eggs, add a little water and beat. Apply to scalp and massage in for 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

10. Scalp massage can be carried out with oils, table salt or without them. The scalp must be massaged with all fingers of the hands, while making circular movements. It helps to improve blood circulation and hair nutrition. Duration 5-10 minutes.

Scalp cells die off every day. If this process occurs faster than usual, then on the head, on the hair, you can see white "snowflakes". There are few people who do not suffer from dandruff, which is why the question of getting rid of this ailment is still relevant. I decided to figure out how to fix this problem and forget about dandruff forever.

Why did dandruff appear on the head - I understand the reasons

Before treating and fixing the problem, you need to understand why it occurs.

Uninvited dandruff may appear due to internal disorders of the body:

  • Hormonal disruption.
  • Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Postponed stress, emotional experience,.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Postponed infectious disease.
  • Weakened immunity.

Due to external influences, scalp cells can also die off profusely.

External reasons are as follows:

  • Insufficient care.
  • Overdrying the skin and hair with a hairdryer, iron.
  • Use of chemicals - gel, varnish, paints.
  • Violation of personal hygiene and the use of a comb by the person who has the condition.

There are other reasons for the onset of the disease - mental, spiritual e. If you are angry with the world around you, or you are not satisfied with your position, you want to change the people around you and think that they do not listen to you, do not understand, then you probably have this problem.

The main types of dandruff on the head

Snow white flakes are of two types : dry and greasy. Consider what happens to the scalp in these conditions, how to distinguish between these two types.

Dry dandruff

The main difference between this type is itching after shampooing ... If not stopped in time, seborrheic dermatitis may appear. Fortunately, I didn't get it. But my head was exactly like that - dry, white particles covered my head in places and hardly combed out.

Dry dandruff is caused by internal disturbances in the body. ... Usually, cells are able to renew themselves within 2-4 weeks, but if there are disruptions, then this process occurs in 5 days.

This look is usually reflected in the hair. If they shine after washing, large "snowflakes" are visible on them , then the dandruff is oily. Usually white snow cannot be hidden. It will be very noticeable on your hair. Such dandruff forms on the head in large pieces around the hair follicles, they injure them, so your hairs may fall out .

The causes of such a problem can be disruptions in the work of metabolism, sebaceous glands, or improper or insufficient care..

So, now, having decided on the type, you can begin to destroy it. I noted in myself both internal and external reasons, due to which the scalp can suffer. Of course, first I turned to the available means and methods, and then consulted with an experienced trichologist .

How to cure dandruff on the head at home - treatment methods and my reviews

It is impossible to hesitate with this disease. If left untreated, serious damage to the body can occur. which we may not even guess about. There are a huge number of ways to get rid of this ailment. I will list the most effective and self-tested .

Anti-dandruff shampoos and soaps

There is a huge amount against dandruff, but how to choose the right one?

First, you should know that all the means that eliminate this problem are divided into types:

There is one more way to eliminate "snowflakes" - dektyarny or laundry soap ... This method was tested not only by me, but also by my great-grandmother. She washed her hair once a week and had a good head of hair.

These two types of soaps are the same in action, they are:

  1. Disinfect.
  2. Relieve itching and redness.
  3. Dry.
  4. Cleans from fat.
  5. Accelerates hair growth.

Everyone who cannot get rid of the disease should wash their hair with soap or shampoo. These funds should be the most the first to care for hair and scalp as only they can clean it well.

Anti-dandruff masks

With the oily type, masks that can be prepared at home will be effective:

  • Honey ... Add equal amounts of honey, burdock oil, lemon juice, egg white. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and hair. You can keep it for an hour.
  • Nettle with salt ... Prepare a gruel from 1 cup of nettle leaves, preferably grind them, and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. You need to rub in the mask and keep it on your head for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Nettle with vinegar ... Prepare a decoction of nettle from 8 tablespoons, mix it with 1 tablespoon of vinegar. It is best to rub the solution with a cotton pad. You can keep the mask for 2-3 hours. Rinse with slightly acidified water.
  • Beetroot ... Juice fresh beets and rub into skin. But it is better for blondes not to use it, as it can dye their hair.

With the dry type, I applied excellent masks once a week, which helped me:

  • Oil ... You can rub burdock or sunflower oil. I kept it like that for 30-40 minutes. Of course, the effect was noticeable. Dry skin ceased to itch, particles of "snow" began to disappear.
  • Lemon ... Mix the juice of 1 lemon, 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon of oil. You can keep the mask for 1 hour.
  • Onion ... You should insist onion peel in water, and then rub the resulting solution into your head. I kept the mask for half an hour. I note that the mask is effective, but with each wash there was an unpleasant smell of onions.

Anti-dandruff paste

No less effective remedy - Sulsen's pasta ... It comes in two forms: for treatment and for prevention.

They differ in the percentage of selenium disulfide, thanks to which you can forget about:

  • Itching.
  • Excessive sebaceous discharge.
  • Thin and dry hair.

The paste will restore any type of hair , will give them a healthy look and shine. It is very simple to use. : After shampooing, apply it to the scalp, rub in in a circular motion, rinse off after 10-15 minutes.

Despite the fast results and efficiency, the paste contraindicated in pregnant women, as well as those who have allergies , or does not transfer the components that make up the product.

Note that this method of getting rid is suitable for blondes.

Dandruff treatment with folk remedies

I will list several alternative methods for the excessive appearance of scales on the skin:

  • ... You should insist 1 tbsp. of this plant for 2 hours, strain through cheesecloth, and then after shampooing, apply the resulting broth to the hair and skin. You can use the product within 1 month. Do not rinse off after application.
  • Special blend 10 grams of birch tar, 100 ml of alcohol and 20 ml of castor oil is also applied after shampooing and is not washed off.
  • Kefir Is a great way to help fix this problem. Before washing, apply kefir to the hair and scalp, and then after 15 minutes rinse everything with shampoo. The mask can be applied daily if there are a lot of "snowflakes". For prophylaxis, I use it once a month.
  • Kombucha tincture also used to get rid of the disease. After shampooing, apply the tincture for 2-3 minutes. You do not need to wash off.

Dandruff drugs

There are quite a lot of pharmacy products. Their action is directed not only to cleanse the scalp from scales, but also to normalize the sebaceous and fat balance at the cellular level, as well as to strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss.

The most popular and effective pharmaceutical preparations are ointments, creams, tablets ... Cream or tablets do their job perfectly Nizoral, hydrocortisone and sulfur-salicylic ointments ... All drugs should be taken and used as directed.

Other treatments for dandruff

If you are tired of fighting this ailment on your own, then contact an experienced specialist.

Cosmetologists today offer professional treatment:

  • Ozone therapy ... The method frees cells from toxins, improves metabolism by exposure to oxygen molecules.
  • Mesotherapy ... This method is the most effective: scalp cells, hair cover and nourish vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Thanks to this, immunity increases, the sebaceous-fat balance is normalized.
  • Physiotherapy ... They are able to kill microbes, rid the skin of fungi, and then activate biochemical processes at the cellular level.
  • Laser exposure ... An antiseptic method that relieves irritation, redness, itching, and also restores blood circulation.
  • Corrections for co-morbid conditions .

All methods are effective. Usually follows pass at least 10 sessions to get rid of dandruff completely.

Dandruff ( lat. Squamae) - a syndrome characterized by a high rate of scaly exfoliation of skin particles over a relatively long time. It is most often found on the scalp covered with abundant hair.

Simply put, dandruff- these are visible, easily exfoliated particles of keratinized cells of the surface layer of the skin. Scales, depending on the type and thickness, are of different shapes: pityriasis, layered, leaf-shaped, rough, with pronounced peeling, firmly adhered to the skin, and also of different colors - whitish, yellowish, grayish-silver.

Dandruff Causes

Seborrhea ("seborrhoea", from lat. sebum - lard and Greek. rhéo - flow ) (a more general concept of dandruff) is a disease caused by a disorder of sebum production, manifested by an increase or decrease in the production of sebaceous secretions, as well as a change in the chemical composition of sebum.

The main cause of dandruff is dysfunction of the sebaceous gland. It can be caused by improper metabolism, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the pancreas and thyroid glands, or an infection with a fungus, and sometimes from all at the same time. An important factor in the manifestation of dandruff is a hereditary predisposition (features of the structure of the skin and its secretion).

The amount and quality of sebum depends on the general condition of the body (especially the endocrine and nervous systems, the digestive tract), gender and age, concomitant diseases, etc. also skin pollution. The largest amount of sebum is formed and secreted during puberty.

In old age, its amount decreases significantly. Sebaceous secretion disorder usually occurs as a result of an imbalance between estrogens (female hormones) and androgens (male hormones) towards the latter, which is more often observed between the ages of 14 to 25 years (during puberty). During the same period, we notice more oily skin on the face, back and chest. With seborrhea, the composition of the sebaceous secretion changes mainly due to an increase in free fatty acids in it.

Allocate seborrhea oily (thick and liquid) and dry. The manifestations of seborrhea are most pronounced in areas of the skin, where the sebaceous glands are located in large numbers: face, scalp, chest, back.

Thick form of oily seborrhea

In this case, the skin is thickened, its elasticity is reduced. The color of the skin is brownish-gray, the mouths of the sebaceous glands are significantly expanded, the hair is thick, coarse, tough. Often, the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland is clogged with rejected skin cells soaked in sebum. If this element is squeezed, then a thick greasy mass is squeezed out. So there is a comedone (black eel) - a horny plug. With this form of seborrhea, cysts of the sebaceous glands (atheromas) are quite common, when opened, a mass similar to cottage cheese is released. In case of inflammation of atheroma, it is opened, pus is released, and then a scar is formed.

Complications of this form of seborrhea are pustular skin diseases caused by and, for example,.

Liquid form of oily seborrhea

With this form of seborrhea, the skin resembles an orange peel: the pores are enlarged, the skin shines, sebum is released in excess from the dilated ducts of the sebaceous glands. The hair on the head shines, looks like oiled, is saturated with sebum already 2-3 days after washing, sticks together in strands. The hair is covered with densely adhered abundant yellowish scales of the skin. Itching of the skin is possible, as well as the development of baldness. Complications in this case are all the same purulent skin diseases, but already pronounced and more severe, such as - multiple boils, impetigo - damage to the hair follicles with the formation of pustules in their place, which, when opened, turn into thick honey-colored crusts; after the fall off of which pigmentation spots may remain.

Dry seborrhea

With this form of the disease, the appearance of dry skin is created, although sebum is produced, but it differs in viscosity. It is poorly secreted from the sebaceous glands, so the superficial layers of the epidermis look overdried. In this case, the skin is very sensitive and easily irritated. Dandruff completely covers the scalp and hair, easily crumbles, itching occurs. Sometimes dandruff builds up on top of each other, forming grayish-white or yellowish-gray crusts. Peeling develops either in the occipital-parietal region, or over the entire surface of the scalp. Hair is dry, thin, brittle, with split ends.

With dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, a microscopic fungus is activated - "Pityrosporum ovale", he is - "Malassezia Furfur", which is present in many people and does not cause illness, but under certain conditions - strenuous physical work, mental stress, decreased immunity, the postpartum period, etc. - it activates, becomes hazardous to health and increases seborrhea.

Mixed seborrhea

This type of seborrhea is characterized by a combination of signs of oily and dry seborrhea, for example, the skin of the face - forehead, nose, chin - is oily, and on the cheeks - dry. In addition, cases of mixed forms of oily seborrhea can be observed: signs of a liquid form of oily seborrhea are expressed on the face, and thick seborrhea on the scalp.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a frequent complication of seborrhea of ​​the scalp, as seborrheic alopecia (baldness) It appears as a result of improper or completely absent treatment in about 25% of people. Most often, this process develops as follows. At first, hair loss is moderate and does not go beyond the normal state, in which an increased secretion of sebum begins (physiological seborrhea). In some patients, physiological seborrhea disappears on its own after 2-5 years and the amount of sebum secreted becomes normal. In other cases, this process does not normalize by itself, and in the future, persistent seborrhea forms, which ultimately leads to hair loss. The lifespan of new hair is shortened, it becomes thin, thinner and is gradually replaced by vellus hair. Itching, soreness, discomfort and a feeling of tightening of the scalp appear. In women, hair thinning occurs more often in the frontal region, in contrast to men, whose hair falls out strongly in the frontal-parietal region and thinns at the temples and the back of the head. On the scalp there is a pronounced peeling (dandruff), scales are grayish-yellow, oily, easily separated when scraped, some of them are on the hair. When examining the scalp under a microscope, it can be seen that the root sheath of the hair, the papilla and the bulb are severely, and sometimes, irreversibly changed, and therefore the renewal of lost hair is almost impossible. In such cases, women often experience menstrual irregularities.

Seborrheic dermatitis

It is characterized not only by increased exfoliation, but also by skin inflammation, itchy skin, especially the areas of skin folds, behind the ear and the neck are inflamed. Inflammation and peeling can also occur in the eyebrow area. When a person begins to comb these areas, an infection can easily get there. Hair with seborrheic dermatitis is usually dry, thin, brittle, with split ends.

It is better to treat dandruff under the guidance of a specialist trichologist. when treating seborrhea, you must first find out and eliminate the causes of the disease. The specialist finds out the degree of severity and selects drugs for the treatment of your particular case. Since with seborrhea there is a violation of the activity of the sebaceous gland, which is located in the lower layers of the epidermis, the treatment should be aimed at reducing sebum production, that is, to be "intradermal". Shampoo is necessary in order to wash off the sebaceous secretion from the surface of the scalp, therefore, in combination with it, it is necessary to use sebum-regulating masks or lotions that are kept on the head for 20-30 minutes.

If you don't have time to visit a doctor, or you are used to relying on yourself in these matters, then before buying one of the dandruff remedies, carefully read the instructions for it. So...

Medicines and components that should be present in drugs against dandruff (seborrhea):

Ketoconazole (Shampoos "Nizoral", "Dermazole")... Effective against dandruff-causing fungus, but grits can develop resistance to the substance, which explains the decreased efficacy of ketoconazole with prolonged use

Bifonazole (Bifon Lotion). It is similar in action to ketoconazole, but lasts longer in the scalp; resistance or desensitization of the fungus that causes dandruff does not develop to bifonazole.

Salicylic acid (drug "Sulsen"), selenium disulfide, octopyrod. This remedy removes dandruff and prevents the formation of new "flakes", but will not be able to cope with the cause of all ills - skin fungus.

Tar (Friderm shampoo) and sulfur. They actively exfoliate and remove cells, so you should definitely use them at the first stage of the fight against dandruff.

Important! Presence of 2-3 components from the list is desirable. The diet should be balanced: limit the consumption of sweet, fatty foods. Food should be rich in fiber, vitamins, fermented milk products. Also, with seborrhea, it is not recommended to dry your head with a hairdryer.

Dandruff treatment with folk remedies

If you have dandruff, but do not rush to buy expensive drugs. Sometimes old, proven, folk remedies help to cope with dandruff. Medicinal herbs and natural ingredients included in their composition can not only get rid of dandruff, but also strengthen your hair.

- Aspirin helps not only to effectively remove, it is in its power to relieve you of dandruff. Crush two aspirin tablets into a powder and add to the shampoo, leave the mixture on your hair for two minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

- Means with cinchona crust. It is necessary to thoroughly mix 2 teaspoons of cinchona peel, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 2-3 drops of rose oil and half a glass of wine alcohol. The resulting mixture must be rubbed into the scalp once a day.

- Beat 2-3 eggs in a small amount of water, apply the resulting mixture to your hair for a while, then rinse. This treatment prevents dandruff.

- A decoction of burdock root. 500 grams of burdock roots must be poured with 3 liters of cold water, put on fire and brought to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer over low heat for 5-6 hours. The broth must be filtered and cooled. The resulting broth should be moistened with the scalp every day, then rinsed with warm water. Do not use soap or shampoo! Although the broth takes a long time to prepare, it is beyond praise in terms of its effectiveness. A decoction of burdock roots not only helps to get rid of dandruff, but also strengthens the hair and also regulates the sebaceous glands.

- Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily. This oil is rich in nutrients that are extremely beneficial in treating dandruff.

If a person noticed something white on his hair, but he is not sure that it is dandruff, it is important to deal with the cause of this condition and urgently start treatment. Scales on the skin may not always be safe, and if a person is sick, for example, ringworm or head lice, then an untimely response can negatively affect both health and appearance.

White flakes do not always mean that a person has dandruff on their head. It can be a completely different disease, and it is not always easy to get rid of it. There are many skin conditions that look like dandruff, but their treatment regimen is fundamentally different. It is important that the doctor identifies the condition and prescribes the appropriate medications. In addition to dandruff, plaque on the head can cause:

  • microsporia;
  • seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp;
  • pediculosis.


This fungal disease manifests itself as dry and brittle hair, itchy head.

This is an infectious and fungal disease that causes the pathological fungus microsporium. The disease is transmitted through the contact-household route from person to person; the sick animal is also the carrier. Infection often affects the skin under the scalp. Symptoms are impossible not to notice:

  • A pink lichen focus is formed.
  • Education has clear outlines, rapidly increasing in size.
  • Hair at the site of the outbreak becomes thinner and breaks at the base.
  • The lesion is covered with white scales, which are separated from the dermis.

Dermatitis on the head

Seborrheic dermatitis manifests itself on the head when the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted in a person and the composition of sebum changes. Then the Malassezia fungus is activated on the skin, which causes unpleasant symptoms. Distinguish between fatty and dry type. With seborrheic dermatitis of an oily variety, dandruff on the head is large, dirty yellow, difficult to separate from the skin and hair.

With dry dermatitis, dandruff on the head forms in the form of dry grains of a dirty gray shade, they are easily separated from the hair during combing. Both dry and oily seborrhea require more than just medication. Diet is considered important, therefore, a person who does not understand the etiology of seborrheic dermatitis will not be able to cope with the problem on his own.

Psoriasis disease

The causes of psoriasis have not yet been precisely established. Doctors believe that a factor affecting the development of skin pathology is a violation of the body's metabolic functions, stress, and an unfavorable external environment. On the head, this disease is localized most often. At first, psoriasis does not manifest itself in any way, but as it develops on the scalp, flaky areas are formed, covered with a white coating, similar to dandruff. If you do not start treatment, the foci increase in size, the dermis under them coarsens and thickens, a large number of dead epidermis particles appear, which are separated from the hair in pieces.

Itchy head can be caused by head lice.
  • the formation of blue-gray spots on the dermis;
  • nits are visible on the hair shaft, which can initially be confused with dandruff.

However, as the disease progresses, the symptoms intensify, they cannot be overlooked and confused with ordinary dandruff. The person is bothered by itching and itching, when there are a lot of lice on the head, the patient will not be able to sleep at night. Treatment should be comprehensive, with improper manipulation, getting rid of lice is not easy.


To determine the cause of scalp skin diseases, it is important to visit a doctor and undergo a series of diagnostic tests. To determine a fungal infection, it is necessary to take a sample from the affected area of ​​the head for microscopic examination. The diagnostician will be able to identify the pathogen, which is important for determining the further therapy regimen. To diagnose head lice, you do not need to take any tests. At the first visual examination, the doctor will see the cause of the problem and give recommendations for its elimination.

Most of us have come across such an unpleasant phenomenon as dandruff. White scales on your hair and clothes create an untidy look, pass you off as an unclean person. Despite the fact that this is a harmless disease, it gives a person a lot of discomfort, makes him nervous and looks for a way to deal with white flakes in his hair. Especially women are worried about white flakes on their heads.

In addition, the appearance of dandruff can be a signal of dangerous violations in the body, which lead to the fact that over time, hair growth stops, and curls begin to fall out.

Usually, if we have dandruff on our head, we immediately rush to buy a special shampoo against this disease, which will relieve us of the “snow” on our hair in a matter of days. But where does dandruff come from and how to avoid it? What masks can you make at home for dandruff? You will find the answers to all these questions below.

"White flakes" on the head - what is it?

Dandruff is a type of seborrheic dermatitis caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. In this condition, skin scales often flake off and fall on the hair.

Often the ailment is accompanied by an itchy head. In the absence of timely treatment, dandruff leads to the formation of fungal diseases.

Among the several causes of dandruff, seborrhea is often the main cause. In medicine, seborrhea is an inflammatory process in which the secretion of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Sometimes with seborrhea, the composition of the sebum changes.

Doctors distinguish between three types of seborrhea - oily, dry and mixed.

What causes dandruff? With oily thick seborrhea, sebum secretion is greatly increased, and the sebaceous gland duct is clogged with dead epithelium, which leads to the formation of a horny plug. Dead skin particles richly saturated with sebum are a suitable breeding ground for bacteria.

With oily liquid seborrhea, sebum is constantly secreted. The head has to be washed very often. From the abundance of sebum "oil" hair begins to stick together, shine. This type of seborrhea often leads to the formation of acne on the head.

Dry scalp is a common cause of dandruff. Dry seborrhea is characterized by reduced sebum production. Why does dandruff appear? The scalp becomes too dry and flakes off. White flakes appear on the scalp and hair. Oddly enough, the cause of severe dandruff is the activity of the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale or Malassezia Furfur. This fungus is present in all of us. He eats sebum and if you are healthy, then the fungus will not harm. But if your immunity decreases, therefore, the cells of the epidermis grow faster, then accumulate. Under these conditions, the Pityrosporum Ovale fungus is activated, and white scales appear on the hair. In some cases, the head begins to itch, redness is noticeable in places, the hair becomes thinner - these are all symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. With such symptoms, it is recommended to visit a specialist.

What can contribute to the appearance of the disease?

In order to avoid the appearance of "snowflakes" on the hair as much as possible, it is necessary to know what factors contribute to the appearance of many white scales of the skin on the head and why dandruff appears. It is not for nothing that many experienced doctors say that disorder and depression can lead to any disease. Indeed, in a stressful situation, a person's immunity decreases, the body weakens and it is more difficult for him to cope with the infection. Not surprisingly, a nervous breakdown can even trigger seborrhea. Some other causes of dandruff include:

  • Severe seborrhea (violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands);
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Digestive system problems;
  • Infections;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Uncleanliness;
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Disease prevention

    Why treat a disease when you can avoid it? Preventing dandruff will cost you several times less than treating it. Moreover, you can not only save time, but also avoid the unpleasant consequences of the fight against dandruff. There are no difficulties in measures to prevent this disease. You just need to be careful about your hair, take some time to care for your scalp and know the causes of dandruff.

  • If possible, do not use other people's combs, hair dryers and hats.
  • Wash your comb regularly (with shampoo).
  • Periodically do a scalp massage (improves blood circulation to the scalp), various nourishing hair masks.
  • Be less nervous, think good, smile more often.
  • Go out in the sun more often (sunlight inhibits the development of the disease).
  • Choose the shampoo that's right for you and don't change it.
  • How can a disease be cured?

    Now that we've figured out the root causes of dandruff, let's see if there is an effective way to get rid of the problem. If you develop dandruff, you should have a doctor's check-up before treating the condition at home. Different dandruff remedies work in different ways. Some shampoos temporarily relieve symptoms. Other mixtures reduce the activity of the fungus. Only an experienced professional can prescribe the right medicated shampoo and anti-dandruff medicine to help remove white scales from your hair.

    Special means

    The most common and oldest way to remove dandruff at home is to use a special shampoo. What substances in shampoos help to remove dandruff?

    The zinc-pyrithione compound is found in the popular anti-flake shampoo in Head & Shoulders hair. The substance acts directly on the fungus, reduces its growth. Thus, preventing the appearance of dandruff. According to many reviews, shampoo works really well.

    Salicylic acid may also help.

    This substance is sold in any pharmacy and is actively used against severe dandruff and its causes. It is also found in Selsun Blue shampoos.

    After using the anti-dandruff shampoo, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.

    How to treat seborrhea at home

    For dandruff symptoms, it is best to see a doctor, but if you don't have the time or opportunity to visit a specialist, you can make some dandruff remedies at home. At the same time, homemade masks contain the same ingredients that are found in expensive shampoos and ointments. They help to remove dandruff no worse than branded products. From natural fruits, oils and herbs, you can make a good medicine against the hated "flakes" on the head. The only disadvantage of this method is that it will not be possible to instantly remove dandruff. To finally get rid of the unpleasant ailment, the procedures must be repeated several times. How to remove dandruff at home is described below.

    An egg mask helps to prevent seborrhea of ​​the head. Whisk two chicken eggs well to prepare the mixture. Apply the mask to the scalp. Wait 15 minutes until the protein is completely absorbed. Wash off the egg mixture with warm water and shampoo. This mask does more than just prevent dandruff. It also nourishes and strengthens the hair roots.

    Burdock root mask

    A decoction from burdock root also helps to remove dry seborrhea at home. For cooking, you will need a pound of burdock root. Add the washed roots to a saucepan and cover with 3 liters of water. Bring the broth to a boil. Let the mixture cool and strain. Massage the infusion into the scalp daily. It is better not to use soap and shampoo immediately after the procedure. This method will relieve you of the "snow" on your head and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

    Onion juice mask

    An ordinary onion helps to remove dandruff. A mask from this root vegetable is best done on weekends - the smell of onions is very difficult to remove. To prepare the mixture, chop the onion in a blender. Squeeze out all the juice from the resulting gruel. Add two yolks, a spoonful of honey and a little vegetable oil to the onion juice.

    Apply the mask to the head and leave for an hour. For greater effect, you can leave the mixture overnight. Rinse your hair with warm water. This remedy will help you get rid of dandruff at home at no extra cost.

    Sea Salt Blend

    How to get rid of dandruff in an easier way? A very affordable and cheap remedy for "snow" on the head at home is sea salt. Dissolve 25 g of coarse sea salt in 0.5 liter of pure water. With regular use, such a remedy helps a lot to remove dandruff forever. Apply the solution to your hair for no more than 11 minutes, then rinse your hair using a mild shampoo. Instead of shampoo, you can use 0.5 liters of water and a tablespoon of lemon. You can do this mask once a week. To finally get rid of dandruff at home, you need to do at least four procedures.

    Vinegar hair mask

    This product helps to remove white scales from hair in a few weeks. Acetic acid creates unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of the seborrheic fungus.

    To make a vinegar mask, apply a little table vinegar (5% solution) to a sponge and rub gently into the scalp. Wash off the solution after twenty minutes. This mask can only be done 1-2 times a week.

    How to deal with severe dandruff flakes

    In any healthy person, keratinized particles of the skin (dandruff) constantly lag behind and crumble. The period of renewal of the upper layer of the skin is 25 to 30 days. The formed elements are washed off from the scalp and strands during various cosmetic procedures. As a result of metabolic disorders, flakes of dandruff appear on the head, otherwise referred to as seborrhea (see Oily seborrhea).

    Doctors are developing new methods for treating dandruff in large flakes. They are trying to find out the causes of the disease, as well as the most effective methods of treatment.

    Dandruff reasons

    If severe dandruff flakes appear on the head, then there are many factors that affect its occurrence. It is possible to eliminate the problem only if you get to the bottom of the true cause of its occurrence. Severe dandruff flakes have various causes, but the most common of these are the yeasts of the genus Malassezia. Dandruff that appears in large flakes has other reasons, among them the following should be noted:

  • insufficiently strong immune system;
  • a failure in the hormonal system (usually such a violation occurs during puberty or pregnancy);
  • the appearance of an allergic reaction;
  • diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic infections and bronchitis;
  • improper hair care;
  • constant stress.
  • When fine dandruff appears on strands of hair, you should immediately think about its treatment. The skin is unlikely to be able to cope with the disease on its own. The fungus only begins to spread more strongly and it becomes much more difficult to stop such a disease.

    If dandruff flakes appear on the head, the reasons for it should be determined immediately: you need to visit a qualified dermatologist or trichologist. As a rule, harmless white skin scales can cause the development of the most common dermatological diseases: seborrheic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

    Learn how to treat dandruff in a child: nutrition, pharmacy and folk remedies.

    Read How to Use Anti-Dandruff Soda: Hair Mask Recipes.

    What if dandruff starts to cover the entire head area?

    People often wonder if flakes of dandruff appear: "What should I do?" If the disease proceeds with itching and irritation, then you can safely contact a doctor about this. It is strictly forbidden for such a disease:

    1. Itch. During scratching, all kinds of wounds appear on the scalp, into which an infectious agent enters, which intensifies the disease with greater force. An inflammatory process occurs (see. Pustules on the head). It will be quite difficult to get rid of it at home.
    2. Continue cosmetic manipulations. It is worth refraining from staining, thermal styling, applying fixatives. Severe exposure to a wide variety of chemicals can adversely affect damaged scalp.
    3. Applying alcohol to the skin. Especially it should not be abused by owners of dry scalp.
    4. Severe dandruff treatment

      If it was not possible to find the cause of the problem, and dandruff flakes cover the head, you need to take some mandatory measures:

    5. Change your diet. Refuse sweet and savory, and also exclude yeast foods.
    6. Use only natural ingredients. Wash your hair with foods such as eggs and rye flour.
    7. Completely refuse to use all kinds of cosmetics for hair styling.
    8. Very often, such measures are sufficient to prevent the development of the disease. To the end, you can cope with the disease using pharmaceutical preparations and all kinds of folk recipes that strengthen the structure of the hairline.

      Dandruff treatment with pharmaceutical preparations

      Why dandruff occurs in large flakes, which leads to severe dermatitis and seborrhea, has not been fully clarified. However, having established the main triggering factor for the occurrence of the problem, they begin complex treatment. If the problem is related to the yeast fungi of the genus Malassezia, every effort is made to suppress their growth.

      With a mild form of the disease, shampoos, balms with antifungal action are prescribed. Against the appearance of dandruff, agents with azoles and sulfur are recommended ("Sebozol", "Ketoconazole", "Nizoral").

      The most effective remedies for the treatment of such a disease:

    9. a shampoo called "Friderm-tar";
    10. antifungal drugs "Kelyual DS", "Skin-Cap"
    11. hormonal drugs ("Travkort") actively fight dandruff on the head. Treatment with such means should not be carried out for more than one week;
    12. products with birch or shale tar (Ichthyol);
    13. anti-dandruff shampoos: "Fitoretard", "Squafan";
    14. antibiotics for severe seborrhea (Gamycin).
    15. Treatment with folk methods

      When severe dandruff occurs in flakes, traditional medicine will help to get rid of it. Do not forget about the benefits of herbal preparations, which include tannins and terpenes. These include tea tree oil. The tool has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil is added to hair care products.

      Fact! The high antifungal activity of tea tree oil is comparable to the pharmacological drug ketoconazole.

      Garlic has antifungal effect. However, it should be used with extreme caution so as not to cause skin burns. The gruel is mixed with vegetable oil. It is recommended to purchase pharmaceutical preparations with peeled garlic extract.

      Apply an anti-dandruff infusion with herbs:

    16. sage, nettle and linden are taken in equal proportions and brewed with boiling water.
    17. If the cause of the problem is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, rinsing and applications with extracts of nettle, birch buds, calendula, burdock, oak bark are recommended.

      Find out why dandruff occurs in men: causes and treatments.

      Did you know that dandruff tar soap is not recommended during pregnancy?

      The choice of remedies for dandruff flakes is extensive. However, the doctor must prescribe drugs and treat the disease. If the body does not tolerate synthetic drugs, the dermatologist prescribes alternative agents that include natural ingredients. Complex therapy includes vitamin and mineral complexes, means for enhancing immunity.

      Often people do not take dandruff seriously, considering that it is not particularly dangerous for the body. However, it should be understood that this is a symptom that indicates serious changes and metabolic disorders. Having understood the cause of the development of the disease, you can easily get rid of it.

      The video shows the most common treatments.

      Severe dandruff flakes cause

      How dandruff forms

      Most people develop dandruff as they reach puberty (If you notice dandruff in a child before puberty, we advise you to see your doctor right away, it may indicate a more serious condition). During puberty, the body begins to produce much more testosterone. This hormone affects hair growth and can also have a negative effect on sebum production. Sebum is a fatty substance that protects our head from microorganisms. However, one organism has adapted to live off sebum (a fungus like Malassezia). This microorganism produces oleic acid, which penetrates the scalp, irritates the top layer, and this leads to an increase in the turnover of skin cells.

      As we all know, our skin consists of flat dead cells that form in the basal layer of the epidermis and slowly move to the surface of the skin (due to the fact that new cells are born under them, which displace old ones). During this time, they dry out, become flat and keratinized (transparent, thin, invisible to the eye). From the skin, the remnants of cells fly off upon contact with clothing or during bathing. The entire renewal period lasts approximately 25-30 days.

      But if the cycle is shortened to 7-10 days, the cells do not have time to dry out (a large amount of water remains in them) and therefore become sticky. When they approach the surface of the skin, they clump together and form noticeable white flakes or lumps that can be itchy. At the same time, the scalp should not have redness, inflammation or bleeding.

      There are two types of dandruff, depending on the type of scalp:

      Dry dandruff- appears as a result of insufficient hydration of the scalp, reduced sebum secretion. Scales cover almost all of the scalp and hair. The appearance of this type of dandruff is associated with the activation of the fungus, which, with good immunity, behaves calmly. However, if you break the diet, increase the mental and physical stress, the fungus is activated. As a result, the exfoliation process is accelerated and a mass of flakes is formed, the number of which becomes noticeable. At the same time, the scales are easily separated, fall on clothes, and contaminate the hair. Signs are: dry, brittle, thin hair with split ends.

      Oily dandruff- appears as a result of the highly active work of the sebaceous glands. Because of the sebum on the head, a sticky, greasy film forms that does not allow air to pass through, closes pores, causes itching and irritates nerve endings. Keratinized cells stick to each other, forming large flakes saturated with fat, they practically do not peel off, but adhere tightly to the scalp.

      Oily dandruff is divided into 2 more types: thick and liquid. At thick oily dandruff the elasticity of the skin becomes denser and decreases, the orifices of the sebaceous glands expand. The rejected epithelium, saturated with sebum, clogs the excretory duct of the sebaceous glands and a comedone is formed - a horny plug. When it is squeezed, a thick greasy mass is released. It was also noticed that in case of illness thick oily seborrhea hair becomes coarse and coarse.

      At liquid oily dandruff the skin shines and resembles an orange peel (the pores are wide open), sebum is released in large quantities from the sebaceous glands. The hair is very oily and stuck together in strands, as if it had been oiled and covered with yellowish scales that fit tightly together. Ulcers may appear on the scalp due to the fact that the sebaceous secretion changes its chemical properties, losing its sterilizing function.

      Such a division is necessary to prescribe the correct treatment, since the reasons for the appearance of each type are different.

      1. Mushrooms of the genus Malassezia... Many experts point out that the main cause of dandruff is the yeast fungi of the genus Malassezia, which actively cover the entire human skin, especially the scalp. These fungi are classified as lipophilic microorganisms that feed on sebum. Under normal health conditions, fungi do not betray their presence and do not cause any discomfort. But with any failure in the body, they begin to multiply actively, causing inflammation and itching. An excess of them leads to an acceleration of the process of skin renewal, which in turn leads to the formation of dandruff.

      The reasons for the rapid growth of strokes are still unknown, but it is known why a large amount of fat is formed, in which they actively reproduce:

      - Chronic metabolic disorder, leads to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands (seborrhea) or infection by a fungus, and more often both at the same time

      - Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. This is due to an imbalance between androgens (male hormones) and estrogens (female hormones) towards the former,

      - Poor nutrition and eating a lot of sugary and fatty foods

      - Problems with digestion, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

      - Chronic infections, broncho-pulmonary diseases

      - Vitamin deficiency (especially A, C, B, Zn (zinc))

      - Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease;

      - Hypersensitivity to fungi. People who are hypersensitive to fungi are more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis... Many noted that their condition improved during the warmer months and worsened during the winter. The reason is the lack of sun, which destroys fungi.

      2. Dry scalp... One of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff, especially in winter, when it is frosty outside and dry air in apartments. The flakes that appear for this reason are usually small and less greasy. Other parts of the body are likely to show signs of dryness, such as the arms or legs.

      3. Hereditary predisposition(features of the structure of the skin and its secretion).

      4. Allergic reaction to hats, or rather, on the material from which they are sewn (most often on cheap synthetics).

      5. Improper hair care:

      - You rarely wash your hair. If you don't wash your hair regularly, oils and scalp cells can build up, causing dandruff.

      - Sensitivity to hair care products - contact dermatitis. Sometimes sensitivity to certain ingredients or hair dyes, especially paraphenylene diamine(PPD), may cause redness, itching, flaking of the scalp.

      - Frequent hair coloring and perm

      - If you do not wear a hat during the cold season, or if you wear it for a long time indoors, the microflora of the scalp changes.

      - Washing your hair too often or using a lot of styling products (varnishes, gels, etc.) can also irritate the scalp, causing dandruff.

      6. Certain skin conditions... Such as psoriasis, eczema, can cause dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis- a more serious disease than just dandruff, dandruff is observed on the skin, but at the same time, the skin is oily, reddened, irritated. The cause of its appearance is the fungus Malassezia furfur. It affects not only the scalp, but also other parts of the body where there are a large number of sebaceous glands, such as the eyebrows, on the sides of the nose and behind the ears, under the breasts, in the groin, and sometimes in the armpits. Psoriasis... This skin disorder causes an accumulation of dead cells that form thick, rough scales that usually appear on the knees, elbows, and torso, but sometimes on the head. It is very difficult to distinguish it from seborrheic dermatitis. Eczema... If you have this disease on any part of the body, then it can appear on the scalp, leading to the development of dandruff.

      8. Some other reasons- after a heart attack, stroke, chemotherapy.

      HIV - A study found that 10.6% of people with HIV have dandruff, which is associated with a weakened immune system.

      9. Diet- Some experts argue that people who do not consume enough foods containing zinc, B vitamins and certain types of fats are more prone to dandruff.

      10. Smoking and alcohol, have a negative effect on metabolism, the violation of which leads to the development of the fungus.

      In order to understand that you have dandruff, you do not need to see a doctor. You can do it yourself. If you see the characteristic white flakes on your scalp, then you have dandruff.

      With self-treatment, if within 2 weeks the condition does not improve, or if there are initially red swollen spots on the head, then you should consult a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will determine the disease by looking at the scalp; tests are usually not required for this. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will examine the redness, color, and extent of the scalp lesion. Which will help to exclude other scalp diseases. During the examination, you should tell the doctor how you looked after your hair and what styling products you used. The doctor will also be able to determine if there is a fungal infection (such as ringworm). For more confidence, skin and hair samples may be sent to a laboratory for testing.

      But it can be misdiagnosed because the symptoms of dandruff are similar to other diseases.

      How to distinguish dandruff from other conditions

      In order to understand whether it is dandruff, or another skin disease, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main distinguishing features of other diseases. Dermatitis- This is a replenishment of the scalp, which is manifested by redness and flaking. Itching may appear at an early stage. Seborrheic eczema- This is a chronic dermatosis, which is accompanied by redness of the scalp, body, face (behind the ears). The disease intensifies in any illness and during a period of stress, and then fades out again. Most commonly seen in older people. Psoriasis- this disease appears not only on the head, but also on the knees, elbows. Silvery scales may form on the scalp, itching, redness with a clear outline appears. Hair may begin to fall out. The disease progresses with stress. Microsporia Is a fungal infection that is contagious and can be spread from person to person. Pink scaly spots with a clear outline appear on the scalp, hair begins to fall out in the lesion.

      - dandruff is not contagious, meaning it is not transmitted or contagious

      - rarely appears in children;

      - most often begins in adolescence due to hormones;

      - the opinion that dandruff is more common in men than in women is not true. Men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 suffering from dandruff are approximately the same;

      - people after 50 years almost do not suffer from dandruff.

      - there is no connection between climate and dandruff, as people encounter dandruff in hot and cold countries, with dry and humid climates.

      - if you have dandruff, it means that there is a fungus on the head, but not the fact that this is the main reason for the exfoliation of cells, the fungus develops as a result of a violation in the body.

      - visually looks like white flakes;

      - if there is dandruff, an increase in cell turnover is observed;

      Is a cosmetic problem, not a medical one;

      - amenable to correction, treatment.

      For successful treatment, it is necessary to determine the true cause of dandruff. If it is not possible to establish a pathological process that has a negative effect, then the first thing to do is to adjust the daily regimen and change the means for caring for the scalp and hair. Below are the recommendations that should be followed during treatment.

      1. Brush your hair gently and gently before washing. Already this will reduce the appearance of dandruff, especially for moderate to mild disease.

      2. Do not rub, scratch or scratch your head too much, this can aggravate the appearance of dandruff.

      3. Use soft water for rinsing and washing.

      4. Wash your hair as it gets dirty.

      5. It is better not to use a hair dryer for drying.

      6. If you use styling products, remember to rinse them off overnight.

      7. Do not keep washed hair under a towel for a long time.

      8. Do a head massage once a week.

      9. For frequent shampooing, use an appropriate shampoo.

      10. Disinfect the comb during treatment. It is also advisable to disinfect or change a hat, cap and other hats.

      11. Limit the consumption of fried, spicy and fatty foods.

      12. Include in the diet foods rich in B vitamins and fiber.

      13. In case of imbalance in the water balance, consume more water (tea, mineral water, fruit drinks).

      14. Use a natural wood comb and change it every 2-3 months, as wood absorbs grease well.

      15. Use hair care products that contain antifungal ingredients. Treatment programs that include shampoo and lotion are very effective. The shampoo helps in the fight against fungus, and the lotion exfoliates existing dandruff, heals and additionally nourishes the scalp.

      17. If you have diseases that lead to the appearance of dandruff, and medical cosmetics do not help to cope with it, it is recommended to take a course of physiotherapy.

      For the treatment of dandruff, antifungal agents in the form of shampoos and lotions are used primarily. But if you use only shampoos without internal therapy, you can not wait for the desired result. Therefore, proper nutrition, treatment of endocrine diseases, pathology of the digestive tract, elimination of foci of chronic infection (chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth, sinusitis, etc.)

      If dandruff is caused by a food allergy, eliminate foods that may trigger the allergy from your diet and take antihistamines (antiallergic drugs).

      With excessive activity of the sebaceous glands (a problem with a hereditary predisposition), the drug methionine is used.

      For the treatment of oily seborrhea, antiandrogenic drugs may be prescribed, which reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. One of these drugs is Diane-35, but it is used only as directed by a doctor.

      Vitamins and Supplements for Dandruff Treatment

      To increase immunity and normalize metabolic processes, vitamins are used, and dietary supplements containing selenium, zinc, sulfur.

      Essential fatty acids;

      Vitamin E (80-120 IU per day)

      Vitamin B6 (6 mg per day);

      Vitamin B12 (9 mcg per day);

      Niacin (1000 mg per day)

      Vitamin A, "Aevit" (10,000 IU per day);

      - "Selenium-Spirulina" (1-2 capsules per day);

      Lecithin, (1200 mg per day);

      Flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon per day);

      Bioflavonones (100 mg);

      Immunomodulators (honey, pollen, royal jelly, lycopid, echinacea).

      - "Beta-carotene" (1-2 capsules per day) /

      You can find many vitamin complexes in pharmacies. The most effective are:

      Dandruff drugs

      For the treatment of dandruff, it is necessary to use substances that have an antimicrobial effect, that is, they stop the growth of microbes (cytostatic effect), facilitate the removal of scales from the skin (exfoliating or keratolytic effect) and normalize peeling processes (reducing effect). Antimicrobial and antifungal action provide zinc pyrithione, ketaconazole, climbazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, piroctone olamine. Antimicrobial and cytostatic - selenium disulfide, cyclopirox. Cytostatic and kerato-reducing - tar. Exfoliating - salicylic acid, sulfur.

      Active ingredients used to treat dandruff

      Zinc pyrithione(for example Selsun Salon, Head & Shoulders) inhibits the growth of fungi due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, slows down the process of renewal of scalp cells.

      Coal tar or tar(for example, Neutrogena T / Gel) help to get rid of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis by normalizing the process of cell renewal and slowing down cell shedding. Also has bactericidal and antimicrobial properties. Eliminates itching, redness and flaking

      Salicylic acid and sulfur(Sebulex, Ionil T, Fostex and Vanseb) helps to dry up dandruff flakes and make them invisible, but this can lead to excessive dryness of the scalp and even more flaking due to suppression of secretions from sweat and sebaceous glands. Therefore, use conditioner after washing your hair.

      Ketoconazole("Nizoral", "Keto plus", "Dermazole", "Sebozol", "Kenazol") is a drug of the azole group; a broad spectrum antifungal agent that inhibits the growth of fungi. The first improvements are noticeable after 7 days. Helps where many remedies are powerless. In addition, it does not have a systemic effect on the body, that is, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, unlike climbazole.

      Climbazole has antifungal and antibacterial effect. Suppresses the growth of fungi, fights dandruff. The drug is effective against fungi that are resistant to other drugs.

      Cyclopirox one of the best dandruff remedies that has a fungicidal effect. It takes effect within 3 minutes after application.

      Clotrimazole- also applies to antifungal drugs. It violates the integrity of the fungal membrane and disrupts the synthesis of ergosterol, due to which clotrimazole has a bactericidal effect.

      Miconazole- has antifungal and antibacterial effect. It helps to restore the balance of the microflora of the scalp.

      Bifonazole(Bifon Lotion) is a highly effective antifungal drug used to treat dandruff. Fungi do not develop resistance to it and their sensitivity does not decrease. Quickly removes all unpleasant symptoms of the disease: itching, dryness, peeling, tightness of the skin.

      Piroctone Olamine or Octopyrod(Cosmelitte Profesional) - removes both dry and oily dandruff. It helps to normalize the rate of renewal and the life cycle of scalp cells, and also inhibits microbial activity.

      Ichthyol("Fitolit") - has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, local anesthetic effect due to the content of organically bound sulfur. Normalizes the cycle of skin cell renewal.

      Selenium sulfide(for example, Sulsen) - has anti-fungal properties. It slows down cell renewal and reduces the activity of the Malassezia fungus, by suppressing its reproduction. This substance can discolor light, gray or chemically colored hair, so use it only as directed and rinse your hair well after washing.

      Try folk remedies for dandruff too.

      Physiotherapy for dandruff treatment

      Cryomassage this procedure is based on the effect of low temperatures on the scalp. The procedure is carried out as follows: the hair is divided into partings and the skin is carefully treated with cotton swabs, which are dipped in liquid nitrogen. The duration of the course is ten procedures. Thanks to the procedure, the vessels of the scalp are successively compressed and then expanded, contributing to the improvement of microcirculation and nutrition of the hair follicles. Also, as a result of exposure to low temperatures, the protective functions of the body and immunity are strengthened, the endocrine system is stimulated, metabolic processes are activated. As a result of increased immunity, the activity of the fungi that cause dandruff is blocked. In addition, after cryomassage, medicinal preparations are better absorbed. But choosing a specialist who will carry out the procedure should be done carefully, as liquid nitrogen can burn the scalp. If you feel a burning sensation during cryomassage, inform your doctor. The procedure is recommended to take place in late autumn and early spring, when the immune system is especially weakened. Warning: the entire course of treatment should not be more than 10 procedures, if you do more, liquid nitrogen dries out the skin, which makes the sebaceous glands work more actively, the pores become clogged due to this, and as a result, you have dandruff again, so it is better to repeat the course of treatment through month.

      Darsonvalization scalp using a scallop vacuum electrode. The procedure is carried out as follows: the comb electrode is smoothly and slowly moved over the head from the forehead to the back of the head, and if the hair is short, then the procedure can be carried out in the opposite direction. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. The course is 10-15 procedures. There is a change in the physical and chemical processes in tissues, an improvement in blood circulation and metabolic processes. Helps cleanse the scalp from dandruff flakes, heal scratches and wounds. Decreases sebum production. Toki Darsonval also has a calming effect on the central nervous system, which also contributes to its treatment, since this disease is also a psychological problem. In addition, the absorption capacity of the skin increases, therefore, after the procedure, a therapeutic lotion or balm for dandruff is rubbed into the scalp.

      Dandruff prevention

      I would like to note that taking preventive measures is much easier and cheaper than treating dandruff. Prevention is especially necessary for people who are at risk. Prevention before, will allow you to get rid of treatment after .

      1. sunlight can help get rid of dandruff. But remember that you cannot stay in the sun for a long time, this can lead to skin diseases. It is enough to stay in the sun for only a few minutes and at the same time protect the rest of the body with clothing and sunscreen.

      Another warning: Some anti-dandruff drugs that contain tar can increase the scalp's sensitivity to UV light. Therefore, carefully read the instructions to see if there are any contraindications.

      2. Increase in air humidity ... It is believed that a decrease in humidity in the air (both outdoors and indoors) in winter can lead to dry skin, which in turn can lead to dandruff.

      One of the easiest ways to increase humidity is to buy a humidifier. Ideally, a humidifier should be present in all living rooms. The humidifier must be carefully looked after so that it does not cause the growth of bacteria and mold.

      3. Less stress ... Many experts believe that stress can cause dandruff or make it worse. But as everyone knows, reducing stress is easier said than done. Here are some tips:

      - Work on a positive attitude.

      - Learn to manage time.

      - Use breathing and meditation techniques.

      - Spend more time on hobbies and leisure.

      - Maintain physical activity.

      - Avoid excessive consumption of sugar and caffeine.

      - Seek support from friends, relatives, spiritual mentors.

      4. Diet food ... Diet has a big impact on skin and hair health. Therefore, to prevent dandruff, eat foods that contain zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and vitamins. Zinc: Oysters, red meat, poultry, legumes, nuts, crabs, lobsters, whole grains, dairy products and fortified cereals. Omega-3 fatty acids: Cold water fish such as salmon and halibut, walnuts, flaxseed, canola oil, broccoli, beans, spinach, grapes, cauliflower, kiwi and melons. Vitamins: Eggs, fish, milk, whole grain breads, legumes, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, and lean beef.

      To prevent dry skin drink more water and eat more fruits.

      5. Limit hair styling products ... All hair styling products (sprays, lotions, creams and gels) help create hairstyles, but they can also cause dandruff. These products can build up on the scalp and can lead to oily and sensitive scalp, resulting in itching and flaking.

      If you cannot completely abandon styling products, then reduce their amount to a minimum and be sure to wash your hair before going to bed. If you are prone to dandruff, try washing your hair every day to prevent dandruff.

      6. Better not use other people's hygiene products and hats.

      7. For prophylaxis, once every 2 weeks wash your comb with shampoo or soap. If you are using a wooden comb, it must be replaced after 2 months.

      8. The head should not be wet too long , as high humidity promotes the growth of the fungus.

      9. A very good remedy for the prevention of dandruff is raw egg shampoo ... To prepare it, take 2-3 eggs, add a little water and beat. Apply to scalp and massage in for 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

      10. Scalp massage can be carried out with oils, table salt or without them. The scalp must be massaged with all fingers of the hands, while making circular movements. It helps to improve blood circulation and hair nutrition. Duration 5-10 minutes.

      Where does dandruff come from?

      In case of violation of cell renewal

      The scalp cells are renewed every 25 days. The upper layer of the epidermis consists of dead cells, which peel off within a month and new ones appear instead. Their origin begins in the basal layer of the epidermis, therefore, making their way to the surface of the scalp, cells can lose moisture, becoming thin and flat. And if the renewal of small particles is reduced to a week, then the cells do not have time to fully mature, stick together and, as a result, turn into white flakes.

      The cause of dandruff is a fungus that begins to actively act when the sebaceous glands are disrupted. A harmless yeast fungus lives in the sebum of our body. But as soon as the pH values ​​change, the amount of fungus increases dramatically. This provokes the appearance of seborrhea, which is accompanied by a tooth, the skin itches, and the amount of white flakes increases.

      With improper hair care

      Dandruff can be caused by frequent staining, use of a hair dryer, ironing and the abuse of styling products. Seborrhea can be caused by improperly selected shampoo, rinse, and masks. Mousse and lacquer for fixing often form an impermeable film, clogging the scalp, thereby changing the water-lipid component.

      With improper nutrition

      Seborrhea can develop with metabolic disorders, if the scalp itches, a sharp weight loss, a deficiency of vitamins A and B. The appearance of this ailment can be caused by alcohol abuse.

      Depression, emotional and physical exhaustion, overstrain activate the yeast fungus. And, as a result, the appearance of white flakes. The skin itches, metabolism is disturbed.

      Individual diseases

      The causes of dandruff can be hidden in internal disorders of the body, caused by immune diseases, disorders of the endocrine system or psoriasis.

      Hormonal changes

      This may be due to age-related changes, menstrual irregularities, or dandruff during pregnancy.

      All of the above reasons give a clear answer to why dandruff appears. But in order to find the right treatment, it is necessary not only to know what dandruff looks like and from what it appears, but also to be able to determine its type.

      Each person has repeatedly observed how the shoulders and head are covered with white or yellowish, dry or greasy flakes of dead skin. At the same time, numerous scales from the epithelium are observed on the scalp. The skin itches, causes the appearance of old fibers.

      The first symptoms of seborrhea look like:

    18. oily, oily, or dry brittle hair;
    19. itching occurs;
    20. profuse hair loss;
    21. the scalp turns red, itches, becomes stained.
    22. There are the following types of dandruff:

      1. Dry - looks like small white flakes that are concentrated

      mainly in the frontal part. In this case, a person experiences itching, the skin is constantly itching. This type of disease appears as a result of decreased sebum secretion. Hair looks lifeless, dry, dull with split ends.

      2. Oily - occurs as a result of increased sebum secretion.

      Particles of the upper layer of the epithelium are impregnated with sebum, sticking together into large lumps. Dead scales due to strong fat content are hard to exfoliate, curls shine. The appearance of fatty scaly cells is accompanied by itching and profuse hair loss.

      To get rid of this ailment, you need to approach the treatment in a comprehensive manner, since the syndrome is often caused by several factors at the same time. This is not an independent disease, but a signal indicating disorders in the body. The appearance of symptoms of the disease indicates a timely solution to the problem.

      Treatment of white flakes in the first stage consists in proper hair care and a complete healthy diet, namely:

    23. Restoring the correct water-salt balance in the body - consume from two liters of still water daily.
    24. The diet should consist of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
    25. Exclude fatty, spicy, smoked, spicy foods and alcohol from the menu - these products enhance the work of the sebaceous glands. The same goes for hot drinks.
    26. The menu should be full of healthy vegetables, fruits, cereals, which consist of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which normalize bowel function.
    27. Eat fish, seafood, and nuts.
    28. Do a head massage - this will improve blood circulation, help get rid of keratinized particles, nourishing the hair follicle. If the skin itches a lot, it is necessary to nourish it with products that restore the skin-alkaline balance.
    29. During an exacerbation of seborrhea, it is not recommended to use a hairdryer, in extreme cases, set it on a gentle mode and dry it 40 cm from the strands.
    30. Limit your exposure to UV rays in summer and wear a hat in winter to prevent hypothermia.
    31. Use special shampoos to treat seborrhea and hair loss. It is better to seek advice from experienced specialists who will recommend a reliable drug. If the scalp itches, it is necessary to nourish it with vitamins and minerals from the outside.

      Fighting dandruff with folk methods

      For the treatment to be more effective, it is necessary to determine the cause of the onset of the disease, and only then proceed to eradicate it. An important factor is a systematic approach, since with irregular care, the result will disappear. A healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, pharmacy shampoos, masks and infusions based on medicinal ingredients will help get rid of white flakes on clothes and hair.

      Infusion of hop cones and nettle leaves

      It will help get rid of the appearance of seborrhea, tooth, peeling, improve the appearance of curls, give them a healthy shine and beauty. To cook it, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs 0.4 liters of hot water. Wrap up and leave for a day. After each wash, rinse with herbal infusion until dandruff disappears.

      It will help clear the head of white flakes and relieve itching. To do this, juice one beet and rub it into the skin. The juice must be fresh, otherwise all the nutrients in it will disappear. Keep the mask for 40 minutes. It is not recommended for blondes, as beets will color the strands pink.

      Oatmeal mask

      This folk remedy will qualitatively cleanse the head, relieve itching and flaking. Oily and dry crusts will disappear after a month's course of regular treatments. For cooking, brew oatmeal with a decoction of herbs from nettle, sage, plantain, oregano, calendula or chamomile. Apply the mask to the roots and leave for 2 hours.

      Suitable for oily seborrhea, as mustard dries well. The mixture helps to get rid of itching, oily sebaceous flakes, increase blood circulation and after a month of use, dandruff will disappear. Dilute the mustard powder with water until it becomes a thick sour cream, apply to the roots with massage movements. The mustard bakes strongly under the influence of water, so the mixture must be kept for about 5 minutes.

      This method will help get rid of the disease as soon as possible. The healing composition must be applied overnight. This will bring some discomfort, but during this time the scalp will absorb all the beneficial substances and the result will be as successful as possible. For cooking, you need burdock root and base oil. Pour the crushed roots with oil and put in a dark place for 14 days.

      Lemon rinse

      Reduces skin irritation, itching, redness. If the head itches a lot, lemon water works after the first use. Eliminates white flakes. To make a healing potion, you need a lemon peel - 4 pcs. and a liter of water. Cook for 7 minutes. Rinse curls every 5 days.

      Cleanses the skin, removes flakes and strengthens the curls along the entire length. It has a strengthening and bactericidal effect. To prepare it, you need to mix willow bark, lupine seeds and moss, boil the mixture for about 15 minutes. Wash your curls daily for two weeks.

      Traditional medicine should solve dandruff problems once and for all. But if the use of medicinal mixtures does not work properly, but on the contrary, only aggravates the symptoms of seborrhea, you need to abandon self-treatment and consult a doctor.

    32. Visible white scales of loose skin on clothing, hair, shoulders, comb, headdress.
    33. Itching and irritation of the scalp.
    34. The yeast-like fungus Pityrosparum Ovale lives on the scalp in almost all people and does not cause any disease. However, sometimes it begins to multiply rapidly, thereby provoking scalp irritation and accelerated cell growth.

      As a result, excess skin cells die off and, sticking together with fat, form large, visible flakes of dandruff. The reasons for the rapid multiplication of the fungus are: oily scalp, prolonged diseases of internal organs, immunodeficiency, stress, Parkinson's disease.

      Hormonal changes

      Age-related changes strongly affect the secretory function of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, dandruff often develops in adolescents during puberty, along with acne, just like in pregnant women and women experiencing menopause.

      Dandruff can be associated with a dysfunction of the secretion of fat on the skin of the face and scalp. With the enhanced function of the sebaceous glands, sebum begins to be actively produced, provoking the occurrence of oily dandruff. Their weak performance leads to insufficient secretion of sebum, and the scalp dries up, which contributes to dry dandruff.

      Thick oily seborrhea is characterized by a deterioration in the elasticity of the skin and an increase in the size of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, the canal of the sebaceous gland is blocked by dead particles of fatty epithelium - dandruff, which causes comedones on the surface of the scalp. Hair becomes coarse and dull, and there are always oily dandruff flakes in it.

      Oily liquid seborrhea provokes the formation of a porous crust on the head. At the same time, the pores expand, become noticeable, and sebum is secreted especially abundantly. The appearance of the hair deteriorates significantly, the strands stick together, and the surface of the head looks very greasy, sloppy, an unnatural oily sheen and yellowish dandruff flakes appear.

      Seborrhea can also cause hair loss because the sebaceous secretion changes its composition and loses its protective properties. Ulcers appear on the scalp, bacteria multiply that affect the hair follicles.

      With dry seborrhea, the release of sebum to the surface is significantly reduced. Dry flakes of dandruff cover the scalp abundantly. Most often people with reduced immunity suffer from dry seborrhea.

    35. hard water;
    36. shampoo, balm and conditioner, not by hair type;
    37. frequent dyeing or perming of hair;
    38. permanent drying of hair prone to dryness with a hairdryer;
    39. frequent use of a styler, heat rollers that expose the scalp to high temperatures;
    40. lack of minerals, vitamins A, E, D, B, malnutrition, abuse of fatty and spicy foods;
    41. excessive nervousness, exposure to stress and depression;
    42. hereditary immune diseases.
    43. In addition to the problems described above with the function of sebum secretion, there are a number of other factors due to which dandruff appears.

      Seborrheic eczema is rarely a direct cause of dandruff, but if this disease has affected the scalp, then it is quite possible that dead skin scales form in this area soon. The difference between seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea is that the latter is a pathological condition of the skin, while eczema is a chronic disease.

      Psoriasis is a skin disease in which thin scaly particles of dry skin, including dandruff, form. Psoriasis rarely occurs on the scalp, but it can be an additional factor in the formation of dandruff.

      Contact dermatitis, triggered by scalp hypersensitivity to shampoos, gels, masks, lotions and other hair cosmetics, contributes to the appearance of dandruff. Contact dermatitis and dandruff often result from overuse of styling products and coloring products.

      Depending on the condition of the patient's scalp, treatment therapy will include:

    • Medicines... If dandruff is accompanied by fungal skin lesions, antifungal medications are prescribed, which include ketoconazole. If the cause of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, then antihistamines are prescribed, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also reduce irritation and itching.
    • External remedies- ointments, creams, shampoos, sprays. Depending on the active ingredient, anti-dandruff shampoos improve the exfoliation process, destroy fungal infections, remove keratinized scales, and also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. They may include antifungal components (zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole), keratolytics (lactic or salicylic acid), sulfur, tar, ichthyol. Healing shampoos are Sebozol, Dermazole, Nizoral, Keto plus, Tar shampoo, Algopix, Fitoval, Friederm zinc, Friderm tar, Vichy for dandruff.

    Ointments and creams relieve irritation, itching, reduce sebum production and eliminate skin flaking. Medicinal ointments against dandruff include Sulsen's paste 2%, Sulfur-salicylic, Hydrocortisone, Dermazole, Nizoral.

    If dandruff occurs, it is recommended to use Panthenol as a medicinal spray. This drug reduces irritation of the scalp and promotes rapid tissue repair.

  • Physiotherapy... Depending on the condition of the scalp, the doctor, as an additional treatment, may prescribe such physiotherapy as ozone therapy (has a drying effect), cryomassage (used for severe itching and redness of the scalp), Darsonval (improves the work of the sebaceous glands, blood flow and dries the skin), mesotherapy (provides hair nutrition).

    Hygiene of the scalp

    • Cosmetics and shampoos should be chosen by hair type.
    • All personal hygiene items should be kept clean and replaced as needed.
    • Wash your hair with warm water and as it gets dirty.
    • When drying hair with a hairdryer, it is recommended to set the gentle mode (warm air) on the device.
    • Adequate and proper nutrition plays a major role in the prevention of various skin diseases, including dandruff. To avoid undesirable changes in the scalp, it is necessary to give preference to products that contain a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins - these are cabbage, tomatoes, cheese, fish, liver, walnuts, beef, legumes, dairy and sour milk products, greens. You also need to limit the intake of foods that contribute to the appearance of dandruff - spicy, sweet, fatty and salty foods.

      To normalize metabolism and prevent dandruff, it is recommended to drink enough fluids, depending on age and body weight, from 1 to 2 liters per day.

      Various stressful situations and weak immunity negatively affect the work of the sebaceous glands and the quality of the skin. These factors can provoke the development of dandruff, so it is recommended to avoid stressful situations and spend as much time as possible outdoors.

      When dandruff appears, the hair must be heavily nourished, so traditional medicine recommends using nourishing, exfoliating and moisturizing masks:

    • Mix thoroughly 1 egg yolk, 10 milliliters of olive oil, 5 milliliters of lemon juice and 10 grams of honey. Massage the treatment mask in circular movements into the hair roots, then cover your head with a towel or a hat and rinse with warm water after 40 minutes. This dandruff mask must be done at least 2 times a week for 30 days.
    • Stir 50 milliliters of kefir, 1 egg yolk and 10 milliliters of olive oil. Apply the resulting mass to the scalp and keep for 1 hour, then rinse and thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo. A folk remedy for dandruff should be used 2 times a week for 2 months.
    • Mix 5 grams of castor oil, 2 grams of salicylic acid and 100 grams of vodka. Rub the finished product into the scalp with light circular movements and leave for 2 hours. The healing lotion should be applied every other day until the dandruff disappears completely.
    • Mix 10 grams of castor oil, 5 grams of birch tar and 100 grams of vodka and apply to the scalp 1.5 hours before washing. The remedy should be applied 3 times a week until recovery.
    • Promotes exfoliation of the skin, and also relieve itching and irritation of decoctions made from beetroot juice, nettle or calendula. It is necessary to rinse the hair with such broths after shampooing.